Chapter 36- Origins Of Kira

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Hey so i was gunna write here a ton of excuse about why i haven't updated but truth being that life got in the way and i just wasn't motivated but seems like i want to come back to it and hopefully get this story to a close and maybe start something new haven't really decided yet but any way enjoy :)

"It's fine don't worry about it...lil' Bro"

i saw a big goofy grin come onto his face as he slammed me back into a hug hearing a chuckle from rick making me laugh slightly. "alright alright... aint like I'm back to me yet, just remembering lil by lil i guess" carl move back and stared into my eyes for a moment. it felt kinda awkward and weird "uuhhhh...hey what are you..." i could of sworn i saw him leaning in but before i knew it Daryl was standing between us staring carl down. i for some reason had a sigh of relief as if it was something that happened often. i noticed at this point the Mags was looking more down then before as was Rick. i guess they could be a bit upset that i haven't remembered them yet but what more can i do.

"Right i guess its time to talk about this" rick said taking a seat and motioning us to join him. "talk about what exactly?" carl questioned.


i looked from person to person confused for a moment "ummm...what exactly about me?" i laughed nervously.

"Ever since we've met you you've been a mystery, we trusted you on a whim, you seemed helpless and weak when we found you..."

"Me weak? HA! i haven't been weak a day in my life..."

"You were, you got strong, quickly. you got close to all of us made an impact in all of our lives but we still never knew a thing about you. not one, you biggest weakness being you memory. we don't quite know where to stand with you at this time"

"what are you saying rick, you kicking me out coz all i seem to do is end back here no matter how far i run"

"No you ain't going anywhere, just talk... tell us who you are, who you REALLY are"

i thought for a moment about the question, how do i explain my life exactly, I'm not a normal person at all really i sighed knowing the the story i was going to tell might be a long one.

—Flash Back—

It all started when i was a little girl,i originally grew up in atanta but after a while i was transferred to New York. i never knew my parents and would be passed around from foster home to foster home. no-one seemed to want me for whatever reason said i was too much of a troublesome child. finally after 6 homes i found a place that seemed great, i acted the way i normally did and they excepted me.

it this house where i met my sister, Kana. we got along really well she wasn't blood related or anything just the only person who seemed to understand me. We stayed at that house until Kana was old enough to take care of us on her own. she got a run of the mil job rented out a small studio flat that barley fit us in it. but none of that mattered to me coz i had the start of a family.

After a while if happiness things started to go wrong. Kana lost her job and could pay rent, the landlord went crazy for the money and started to ask for ... 'favours' from both of us at that time i had only just become of age and was terrified of anything and anyone. Kana took the brunt of it for a while but its got to the point of our lives becoming miserable again. Kana became ill and weak and i had to do something. i took her to a hospital and left her there all by her self on their doorstep with a note asking them to help her. they did, she got a home, a family hell after a few years even got a boyfriend and a son. i never met them but i checked up on her a lot.

i was still trying to find myself find what i can do i traveled for years, form state to state until eventually i made it back to atlanta. i was walking down this long road, exhausted, hungry, thirsty... i felt like i was going to die. one thing led to another and i must of blacked out.

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