Chapter 35- I Need to know

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I woke up that morning to the sound of rustling going on behind me, i figured daryl had gotten up so i just relaxed back into his arms... wait his arms!! i jolted up realising daryl was still in bed and turned my attention towards the rustling. i knew it was coming from outside, i moved over to the window and peeped through a gap in the wooden boards. I saw a small girl in the middle of the road standing still, at first i thought maybe she was lost or something but as she turned her head towards the cabin i saw the hanging flesh on her neck caught by some sort of hook or blade, fresh blood trickling down her jaw.

She fed recently, looks like someone put up a bit of a fight. i saw daryl cross bow rested at the bottom of the bed leaning over I grab it and slowly opened the door, making sure the girl doesn't look towards the cabin again, she starts to stumble her way back towards the woods, I thought twice about shooting her I mean she was moving away from us, she wasn't a bother. I go to lower the bow only to feel a hand on my shoulder. "She got that hook in her somehow darlin'" I hang my head for a moment still taking it all in but soon enough I'm back to aiming at the girl, an arrow in her head and her body lifeless on the ground. I walk out standing over the little girl, her hair was so dirty she almost looked brunette but she was defiantly a blonde she wore it in pig tails with white ribbons. Her top made me slightly sad seeing it said "My Daddy's a superhero.

"She had a family" I almost whispered to no-one in particular but obviously Daryl heard. "we should head back, the heard's probably gone by now" I looked up and saw Daryl taking the bow off of me and chucking our bag on the bike, motioning for me to join him. I wandered over to Daryl and shook my head then look him dead in the eye's. "I'm not going back"


"I...I wanna go home"

"Home? We don't know where your home is peaches and even if we did it aint home no more"

"You don't know that! you don't know anything! I need to go...I need to go back to the CDC"

I looked at daryl's face turn as soon as he heard those words, why? what was wrong? he looked away from me for a second and down at his bike placing his hands on the handles. "i don't know why you know that place or what it is to you, but You can't"

"Why not? You can't tell me what ta..."

"It's not there anymore. it's gone"

"What do you mean gone? whole building cant just up and leave"

"Peaches! The CDC doesn't exist anymore this crazy ass scientist blew it all up, almost took us all with it"

i froze for a second i knew, that was the only place i ever had a purpose, had an existence worth something. i needed that building and everything inside it, I'm no help to anyone out here, not like this. "B-but I... They needed me there...Mum and dad they... they needed me, I was helpful to them there, I need to find them! Daryl I need to..." I went to continue only to see the sadness in Daryl eyes and the mention of my they cant be...

"peaches we need to go back, you need to hear everything" I weirdly felt like I could trust daryl with everything, i didn't know about the others at the camp but i was sure that daryl would be by my side, from the sounds of it... he had been for a while.

We were getting close to the town, we decided it would be best to get of the bike and avoid too much noise incase the walkers were sill wondering about. Daryl started looking through a broken part of the fence, pushing his way through motioning for me to follow him. As i walked in i could see the walkers all completely lifeless on the ground. "What happened?"

"Rick" was all Daryl said as he started walking towards what looked like his group standing in the middle of a dozen defiantly dead walkers. I noticed daryl and rick were talking, when rick noticed me behind daryl he automatically went for his gun but his hand was pushed back down by daryl. he didn't say anything he just stared at rick and as if rick knew exactly what he meant he lowered his gun and placed it back into the holster. "Grab everyone who survived, we'll meet in the house daryl, Kira and Maggie come with me" we all followed rick and for some reason Maggie kept looking back at me with sad eyes as if i had done something.

"Hey! you got a problem or somthin'?" i shouted to her getting really pissed at the look she was giving me. "What, no i just..."

"Then quite that look, you look like a little puppy thats lost its owner" i pushed passed her joining up the front with daryl just behind rick. "What her deal anyway?"

"calm it peaches, she's just missing her best friend"

"Why's that my problem!?"

"Coz it was you" i almost froze at daryl words, i couldn't be friends with someone who seemed that weak, i looked back at her and her head seemed to be hanging kinda low, in a way i wanted to see why i used to like her so much but in another i seemed to be a different person to who these people knew. I'm not even sure wether daryl liked me like he used to. i started to see myself looking at daryl in a sort of side glance obviously not being subtle at all seeing as he chuckled with a "Like what you see peaches". I felt my face blush crimson "S-shut up!" I moved forward again and somehow came to Ricks side. it was awkward, really awkward. "Ummm..." i looked up to rick hoping he would have something to say but he just looked at me with his stern face.

"So i uhhh... Sorry about before. Daryl kinda explain what was going on"

"So you really don't remember anything?"

"Well a few bit and pieces keep coming back from when i was with you guys but nothing much."

"we'll help you remember. We need you to remember" a saw a hint of sadness in ricks eye's. Did I mean that much to the group, or maybe I just meant something to him?

Rick and daryl dropped me off at the house and left maggie to 'guard me' I guess. I felt so fidgety wandering around the living room while Maggie sat and kept an eye on me. I sighed giving in and taking a seat on the sofa opposite her "Ya'know you don't have to do that" I said out loud not really looking towards her.

"And what exactly is it that I'm doin'" I could here the slight attitude in her voice, I knew this girls gunna be entertaining. "Watch me like a hawk, I aint goin' anywhere any time soon. there's no point, the place I belonged to is gone now anyways"

"The place you belonged to is here, we aint going anywhere" I was kinda shocked at her response I was kinda expecting maybe more questions but instead she tried making me feel like I really am meant to be here.

"What was your name again, Maggie right" I saw a small nod at the corner of my eye. "Mind if I call you Mags? its a bit easier and ya know I might actually feel a bit more at ease if I had at least one friendly face around me" I noticed that her attitude changed dramatically as if she had a bit more hope in her eyes. In a way I was doing this just because daryl said we were close but after talking to her for a while I felt a bit more at ease. I came out of my thought at the sun of the door opening up, I stood up and turned towards the people coming in.

"Kira!" I was engulfed in big arms not seeing who my hugger was I panicked pushing them off of me. "What the hell kid, why'd you..." I saw the broken hearted look on his face and paused my thought, looking towards Rick he seemed wary of me. I relaxed a little bit and took the kids look in a bit more. Shaggy brown hair, tall, sherif hat and... and eye patch. "Carl..." I could feel a little bit of pain at the bag of my head enough to stand and bear for a second. As I looked at him more and more the pain became worse and worse butIi refused to be pushed down again by it.

"Kira... your bleeding!" Carl shouted towards me as i reached to me nose pulling my hand back i saw that there was intact blooding coming out of it. "It's fine don't worry about it ... Lil' Bro"...

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