Chapter 16- My Family

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hey guys, so this is back to the story now the first part is the end of the last chapter just so you get the idea of where it left off, Enjoy!!

I turned and snuggled into his chest as he put an arm around me and kissed my fore head "g'night" i said and just before closing my eyes i hear him take a deep breath and sigh "night... Kira" a smile plastered on my face we drifted to sleep.

i woke up during the night kind of dizzy i looked up to see Daryl still sunk into the pillow fast asleep while i used his chest as a pillow. i gentle untangled myself from Daryl grabbing a small blanket and pillow from the sofa i walk outside. i can see a small light looking towards the house, judging by the time i would guess it was rick and Carl on watch but i wouldn't know for sure without looking, i shrugged at my own thoughts and climbed the ladder on the side of the trailer. i sat on top hanging my legs over the side and laying my head back onto the pillow i had brought with me and covering myself with the blanket. i looked up to see that the stars were much brighter out here better then they used to be in the city. 'wait city?... did i live in a city?' its like i had completely forgotten that i had slight amnesia but memories like these were slowly coming back.

when i was in the prison and thought of my sister, with the Governor i remembered my father and now looking at the stars i remember the lack of them within a city "Atlanta?" 

"what about it?" i turned to see Carl had climbed up and motioned asking to join me "sorry saw you come out and asked my dad if i could join ya, haven't really gotten to speaking' much lately huh?"

i shook my head in agreement and continued my thought out loud with Carl "Atlanta, i think...i think i used to live there"

"you think"

"yeah i mean when ya'll took me in all i could remember is that i woke up in the forest tied to a tree not knowing how or why i was there nothin' from my old life its just... gone"

"so Atlanta huh?" i nodded and continued "yeah i think i grew up there me and my sister used to go out of the city to a near by hill top to look at the stars coz they were hard to see in the city, i guess I'm slowly regaining my memories"

"but you still don't know why there gone?" i shook my head looking down at the ground when i felt and arm put around my shoulder and pull me down so i was back to laying on the pillow with Carl looking at me. "look i know you don't know anything about the past, and neither do i but what i do know is that your you and i like that you"

i smiled at him little tears formed in my eyes rolling down my cheek "why is it you seem more like a big brother then a little brother to me " he hugged me tightly and Pulled away stroking my tearful cheek "coz I'm way more mature then you" he smiled a cheeky grin i did the same back "guess i cant argue with that" i yawned making Carl yawn aswell "get some sleep" Carl kissed the top of my forehead and went to stand but i held his arm back down "no way your staying here, so we can watch the sunrise together, he smiled and nodded cuddling up to my and just before i went to sleep i felt him squeeze me slightly "ya'know when you first came to the prison i kinda had a crush on you"

i giggled "yeah i kinda thought that" i looked up to see him blushing "yeah... but you don't have to worry, coz your way better as a little sister" he smiled lightly i could see his eyes dropping. he must be exhausted "pretty sure I'm older then you sport" he laughed lightly "love you big sis".

"love you too little bro"

and we drifted to sleep.


i got shaken awake by someone i looked up to see rick and Daryl looking at me rick with a smile and Daryl looking kinda conflicted as on whether he should tear Carl away from em or not. i turned to lay my head down only to see Carl laying next to me. i smirk evilly i start poking Carl's head getting harder and harder with each poke whining "bro...Bro...BRO!" with that he jolted going to reach for his gun "what...whats up walkers?" we all started laughing making him go bright red "no Carl look..." i pointed towards the horizon there was a beautiful sun rise Daryl came and sat with me while rick sat the other side of Carl. we sat there in silence for a few minuets when i turned to face Daryl noticing he was kinda between emotions "whats up?"

The Girl From The Woods (Daryl Dixon x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя