Chapter 19- What The F*ck

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I woke up in the morning to and empty bed and a load of commotion outside, jumping up out of bed i started getting dizzy. i tried regaining my balance holding onto the wall slowly sliding across it reaching for the door handle and swinging it open so i could lean on the door frame looking out to the people in the church. honestly i could barley see them i the room felt like it was spinning all the people were blurred and before i knew it i had crashed onto the floor but not before hearing what sounded like Glenn "man Daryl how hard you give it to her last night? owww" i would assume Daryl hit his arm for that comment "hey Kira you okay"


"yeah hun com'on can you stand"

"if i do i think i'm gunna hurl"

"com'on help me..."

before Maggie could finish her sentence i was already in Daryl's arms being placed on one of the benches in the church.

"hey you okay darlin' whatsup?"

"Daryl? i cant really see your face very well the rooms spinning, feel like i'm gunna ..." before i even got the words out i felt a lump in my throat i thought i was gunna hurl but it didn't feel right.

i couldn't breath there was something in my i pushed myself off the bench and onto the floor on my hands and knees trying so hard to breath but failing i start to notice some black good falling from my nose and mouth. i felt someone hit my back making a ball of black sludge shoot out of my mouth and onto the floor i start breathing heavily, hearing guns load around me i knew they were all aiming at me probably expecting me to have turned or something.

 i didn't look up just needed to concentrate on my breathing i shifted myself back leaning against the bench "what...the...fuck?"

"that's what we'd like to know" i looked up to see Abraham looking down at me pointing his gun aiming for my head his "partner" Rosita next to him doing the same, i chuckled slightly "do i look... like ... a god damn... walker ta you"

"honey we don't know what ya are, but you sure as hell aint human" i scoffed at the remark looking back at the black ooz that had come out of me. i moved over hearing Abraham's gun click "relax jackass i'm just seeing something" i go over to to the lump and using my knife i cut it in half, seeing what looked like rotted blood drip out of it a fowl stench making it way through the air like a rotting corpse. rick stepped up behind me "well any theories?"

"just one really, now this could be genuine or me reading too many comic books as a kid..."

"never such a thing as too many comic books" Glenn interrupted smiling down at me but earning a nudge from Maggie, i looked around the room, everyone waiting in anticipation.

"K can i ask why your not completely freaked out by this? that stuff came outta you that's not exactly natural" i looked over to mags who was showing deep concern for me "coz it kinda make sense when you think about it", i looked up to Daryl who as always was looking calm, guess he just wanted to hear my crazy out of this world explanation i sighed "okay just remember we are in an apocalypse at the moment so try keep an open mind will ya" i looked round once again seeing rick nod i continued 

"okay so you all know by now that I've been bit a few times now, and as far as we knew its wasn't affecting me, i mean hey i'm still pretty human. but i think that's what this is"

"hold up your not telling me that thing is human right?" Glenn looked at me like i was crazy 

"of course not you idiot, i'm saying that this is my "side affect" from not changing. it's like the virus that was meant to spread has just built up and exiled it self out of my body, in theory this is ... normal"

The Girl From The Woods (Daryl Dixon x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora