Chapter 5- Captured

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I'm hoping you guys are enjoying this, i know I'm having a lot of fun writing, please let me know what you think so don't forget to comment and vote thanks!! (^ '.' ^)

i honestly didn't feel safe on my own, i knew i could handle walkers easily but what if i ran into other people what then i really cant trust anymore people, i just wish i had someone with me, rick, carl, Maggie, glen even Daryl. damn Daryl i go and confess like that and all he can say is see ya kira what the hell. i mean i gotta say i was happy its the first time i heard him call me by my name, he said it so nicely, they way he says my name makes me want to run back grab him and kiss him. no i cant think about it. i had been walking for a while now i could the sun lowering but i knew i had just enough time till night fall to get to where i was going. the prison didn't seem to far from the little town i needed to get to 'woodbury'. 

i got to where the entrance of the town would be only for it to be completely walled in guard's on the top of the assuming their looking for walkers. ' damn doesn't look like i can just walk in, well worth a try'.i bury my almost all my weapons near a tall boulder in the forest close to the town just in case i need them later, less of a threat without weapons however i kept 2 knives one strapped and covered in my sock and another to my back covered by my top for easy access in an emergency. i walk out into the road with my hands in the air one of the guards shouts down to me "stay there, who are you what do you want?"

i look up and answer as nicely as i could "my name is kira, I've been trying to find a place to get away from all of these horrible pale people, im so scared i don't know where else to go" i begin to cry pulling of the act completely. the guard waves me in pulling out some of the wall for me to go through i got to the other side and it was as if there was no Apocalypse. people were walking around the town completely normal. it was horrible, as if they were completely oblivious to the fact there were walkers killing people.

i got taken to a person they called 'the Governor' assuming hes the person in charge of the town. there was something odd about him i couldn't quite think of what it was but it felt like he was hiding something and not just from me but everyone in the town, i didn't like him either, this place is all too fake. he deemed not to be a threat, to be honest its true i wasn't here to hurt any of their people just to check up on someone.

he had some of his guards lead me to a room with a bed and shower, wow an actual shower that i dont have to share with anyone else. but something still wasn't right so i didn't let my guard down plus the prison was better i liked the whole dirty eerie thing to it actually felt like an Apocalypse showing things how it is instead of a trick. i had a knock at the door when i opened it a man stood there he didn't seem like a guard but he was kinda intimidating, he reminded me of someone. he was taller then me bald and kinda big build, he spoke to me like a definite red neck. "so ya the new girl, man ya got yarself a fine one here Gov" the man with the eye patch they called Governor had entered with the bald man. "indeed, she defiantly seems interesting".

i look both of them up and down only to have the bald one go "oh checkin me out girly?" Girly? that's what he called me "I'm not girly I'm kira, what'd ya want"

"oo feisty i like it" baldy went to move towards me being stopped by the Gov. "now now Merle be nice to our new guest, i came to request you have dinner with me tonight id like to... get to know you more" i really didn't like the way he said that but i nodded and they both left but not without a up and down look from Merle.

i went and had a good shower nice hot water clean towels and had been given some clean clothes that the Governor asked for me to where to dinner which wasnt happening since it was a Dress not really one of those kinda people.

-at dinner-

the Gov was sat across from me looking at me as a stared at the food on my plate practically drooling on the table "go ahead dig in, i ain't gunna stop ya" i looked to him and the food and pushed the plate away. "no thanks, I'm not staying long just needa see someone" he looked at me and smiled slightly swirling his wine in the glass. he looked like he was about to speak when he was interrupted by some of the guards "sorry sir we have a problem"

The Girl From The Woods (Daryl Dixon x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora