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It's time" Midoriya thought to himself as he looked up.
Black smoke and pink fog filled the air.
He looked around, he was completely alone.

"I have to find Dabi and Twice.
They should be somewhere towards the middle of the forest.
Going invisible will be the best idea so people don't notice me..."
Midoriya manipulated the smoke and went invisible.
He ran through the forest, going his full speed.

He ran past a couple of Nomu and injured classmates but he didn't care.
He was going too fast he didn't realize Dani was right in front of him and slammed right into him.
Dabi toppled over, "what the-
What was that??" Dabi said in dismay as he rubbed his head and got up.

Midoriya went visible, "forgot to slow down sorry"

"Oh it's you"

Midoriya got up and rubbed his head, he had slammed pretty hard against Dabi.

"Kay twerp get compressed by compress"


Midoriya securely held his phone as he watched compress hold his hand out and Compress him entirely.

"So blue, and I'm tiny.
At least I have my phone.
I wonder if there is reception in here" Midoriya tried to use his an online app on his phone and found that it wouldn't work.

There's no internet connection here."
Midoriya sighed.

"We got what we came here for fellow villains!
Retreat!!" Compress shouted as kurogiri's portals opened up everywhere.

Pixie-bob and Mandalay were left horribly injured as were some of the students.

When they totaled everyone up, including class B...
They only found

"39 students...

Where's Midoriya!?" Aizawa exclaimed as he looked over everyone.

"He had to go in Alone during the game we played...
I think...
He was kidnapped"

"Again?? No way, that can't happen twice...

"I'll do a scanning of the forest with pixie-bob..." Mandalay said despite being injured.

"No wait, ambulances are coming to take you 2 to be sent to the hospital.
Police are coming too, they'll search." Aizawa hissed.

Mandalay and pixie-bob stopped in their footsteps and listened.


Midoriya was finally uncompressed.
He allowed his phone to connect to the internet and looked around.

"This looks nothing like the old base" he commented.
"It isn't supposed to.
You're just bait.

Soon all might will come trying to save you and from there we can kill him.
It'll take a couple of days before they find you, I want you and Dabi to go on this mission.
Think you can do it?" Shigaraki asked.

"Nothing I can't do." Midoriya sighed as he took a note from Shigaraki.

"Kill these 4 targets-
(Images shown here retaining information on the 4)

After you have killed those 4 find Chiyo Akira and take the disc she'll have when you go there.
Kill her after."
.the note read.

"When do you want this to be done?"

"Tonight, the amount of time the heros take can range from a day to 3.
If you wait till tomorrow night you'll never know if it's too late.

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