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Midoriya gracefully landed, revealing the KO he just scored on that hero he just slam kicked into the wall.
The other heros there stared at Midoriya, despair in their eyes as he glitched again.
He disappeared from their sight which was enough to scare them...

When he reappeared...

He slammed them both against each other, he slammed them so hard that their heads cracked open and broke.

Midoriya then punched their chests and let them die on the ground.

Midoriya glitched again, this time he reappeared on a street pipe that held the machine that signaled cars to go and stop.

Hawks was on the same street.

He felt the pair of eyes staring daggers into his back.
He turned around and made direct eye contact with Midoriya, immediately noticing all the blood he was covered in and the unsettling grin he was wearing.

"Midoriya?! What did you do!? Why?!" He screamed.
Midoriya Glitched right in front of Hawks, reappearing 5 feet away from him.

"I found my purpose! I found what makes me happy!" Midoriya replied as he wore an "innocent" smile.
It brought shivers to Hawks as he felt his blood run cold.
That smile radiated pure malice.

"And what is your purpose exactly...?" Hawks asked, afraid of the answer.

"Killing everyone!" Midoriya cheered a reply as he glitched away again.
Panic surged through Hawks's body, if Midoriya has gone evil then...

No one would be able to take him down.

"I have to stop him!
Maybe he'll listen to me" Hawks thought to himself as he jumped into the air in search of Midoriya.

Midoriya was having a ball with killing people, he had manipulated their quirks with a forceful activation and had them fly high into the air and slam into the ground.

Blood was everywhere, painted on walls and splattered onto the ground.

There was a lot of carnage, a disgusting sight for Hawks to see from above.

"Not only is his fighting skills above strong pro heros, he's too smart for his own good...
If he becomes a super villain no one would be able to stop him even with backup from other countries...

The commission...

Did he kill the kids there too?!" Hawks thought to himself as he continued to fly.

He spotted Midoriya carving a dead person with a knife, blood spilling everywhere.

Midoriya turned around to see hawks trying to stop him with feathers and grinned before glitching away again.

"What's wrong Hawks?
Don't tell me you didn't see this coming" Midoriya laughed as he reappeared beside him, flying.
He was manipulating Hawks's feathers to keep himself afloat.

"I didn't, Midoriya you made a PROMISE!" Hawks shouted as he tried to charge at him.
Midoriya grinned and flew above him, floating upside down.

"That promise obviously wouldn't have been able to be kept, you should've seen it from a mile away.
But I guess you're too oblivious for your own good huh?

Someone had to take down the commission and since no one else was doing it I did.
You should be happy!

Now you're truly free" Midoriya laughed.

"How can I be happy if you betrayed me!? How am I supposed to be happy trying to take you down!?" Hawks hissed.

"You should just accept this is the way I am!
Nothing's changing this.

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