Ch2 Huh?!

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Error's POV

I soon found what sneezed. A baby skeleton looking almost a few weeks old. It's bones are white and it has a black paw mark on it's left cheek.
It was holding a stuffed orange monkey with some body parts a different colour. It was asleep.

Heh cute. But why is there a baby in the Anti-Void? I wondered

I found a letter nearby it read:

Dear Error
This child you see before you is here to help. She might not now but I trust you to take care of her.
You can name her whatever you want.
But I must ask of you to not separate her with her monkey.
But you must also keep her a secret.You can tell some close friends. But I couldn't think what FATE would do to you and the child as a punishment.

I couldn't believe what I saw someone that dislikes, no that isn't right someone that HATES Fate. I quickly continue.

Do not worry about her being in the Anti-Void I have made it so that she doesn't go insane.


nd there isn't a name written here. Weird  I think.

I picked the baby bones up with my strings. And head towards my beanbag.

When I came with the baby bones I put her on my beanbag. And worked on a hammock for her.

I utilized my strings and wove a little blue hammock. Then I took the baby with my strings and put her in the hammock.

I sat on my beanbag and pondered what to name her. Then I got it. Her name will be Paw. From the paw mark on her left cheek.

But I don't know how to take care of a baby. Then I chose to go to a Librarby from an AU and stea- I mean borrow a book on child care.

Huh during the time I'm with Paw the voices are silent I thought as I too-I mean borrowed a book from the Librarby. Because the voices came back right as I stepped out of the Anti-Void.

"How DARE you block us you filthy glitch!"

They kept on saying that over and over again.

But when I came back with a lot of books on child care and started reading I heard a whimper. It came from the hammock.

"Shh. Paw it's just a nightmare wake up" I said trying to comfort her but without touching her.

But she didn't hear me.

Paw's POV

I was brought back to when I died. I was taking a walk and I was about to cross the street I saw a little white dog was stuck it's lead had caught on a sewage drain and a truck came towards it. In an instant I was at the dogs side trying to free it but it was difficult.

It got it self really tangled and it was frightened so I had to be slow witch didn't help. But I got it free. But it wasn't good.

The dog started to run towards the truck. I had to tackle it so that it was safe but sacrificing my life in the process.

The truck crushed my spine and I was coughing up blood. The pain was insufferable and I screamed. The dog looked back at me and ran towards me.

"Heh guess this is the end. Welp bye Toby" I called the dog Toby. Because it looked a lot like the annoying dog from undertale.

The last thing I see before death was that Toby put his paw on my left cheek and licked my forehead.

"𝙋𝙖𝙬 𝙬𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙪𝙥! "

I felt movements someone was shaking me. I opened my eyes to see

Error touching me.


Three relatively short chapters on my new story in one day wooo....

I can't spell Error's phobiahaphephobia.  I think that's how you spell it?

See ya bye 三三ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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