Chapter 23: "You can't save me!"

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You were franticly walking back and forth in the lab, waiting for Steve, Sam, and Nat to come back from the mission. "How long will it take, they are 30 mins late Tony" You stop and look at Tony. "Why are you not worried? Tony if you did something. I swear to Odi-" 

"Hey! Sorry, sorry, we need a little pit stop at the coffee shop." Steve walked in with his arms out. You ran into his arm, engulf your arms around his neck. He picks you up and twirls around. 

"I can make coffee at home, next time you come straight back, Okay?" You said finally grounding your feet as your heart slowed its pace. 

You go hug Nat and Sam. "What I don't get the enthusiastic hug with dreamy eyes?" Sam asks as you pull away. 

"Maybe, if we stay friends after 90 years?" You smirk. 

You and Sam have been training together for the past week so you guys became pretty close. You guys also kept getting your asses kicked when running with Steve so that really helped to strengthen your friendship too. 

"So what did you get?" You say as you walked to the lab table where Steve was standing. Steve hands Tony a folder and Sam gave him a small device that he connected to the computer. 

"So when are Thor and Loki coming back?" Sam asked as you both walk out to the kitchen. 

"Well, I don't know. They went to try to talk to Odin about revoking any punishment on me. So it can be a few days to a few years." You open the cabin and bring out 3 coffee cups. "My father is very moody. His mood swings are worst than a teenage girl's. Plus they are trying to stall him until I find Bucky." 

Sam laughed as he poured orange juice into 2 of the cup as you made a whipped coffee. You went into the lab again to Tony watching a tape-recorded by Redwing. You hand Nat the coffee while Sam handed Steve the OJ. 

"There next dealing will be in a few weeks. Alright, here is what we are gonna do." Tony turns back to you guys. "No, no, no. No drinking or eating in my lab." He said as he points you guys out.

"Tony, you are literally eating dried blueberries right now." You say stopping them. 

"Right, fine whatever but just don't spill anything, okay?" Tony turned back to the tv. "We have to attack them on the next trade. They have to know who they are dealing with, so the same teams will go. Y/N and I will be on standby if Bucky does show." He takes a handful of blueberries "Alright guys dismiss. Y/N and Nat sat back for a second." The guys leave the room leaving only you, Nat, and Tony. 

"What is it?" You panicked.

"Oh no, nothing wrong. I have a date today with Pepper. Just wanted some advice." He said as he shoved the berried into his mouth and turned to his computer. "It's our 4 year anniversary, wanted to do something special. Now come on girls Ideas, what would you like for your fourth anniversary?" 

"I don't know why you are asking us." You looked at Nat "I have been in a dry spell since the 1940s, and she is a trained Russian assassin. Maybe ask someone with a little experience in that area?" 

"Dry spell?" He looked confused. "But don't you have a boyfriend?"

"Actually, he is more like my babysitter than my boyfriend. And I don't think we are together anymore, I know for a fact after this we won't!" You scoffed. 

"Because of Bucky?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, that too, but more because I left Asgard without telling him." You rolled your eyes just thinking about what would happen. "The whole arguments and fighting, not really into it. But can we please not talk about that?"

In love with a MONSTER ~ Bucky Barnes  (Completed)[Republished]Where stories live. Discover now