The fine art of Johnny Lawrence.

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˗ˏˋ 09 🎬  'ˎ˗

"Cobra kai is about strength

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"Cobra kai is about strength... if you're not strong on the inside you cant be strong on the outside."
- Johnny Lawrence

I woke up at 8:00 a.m.

"Mother fucker!" I yelled.

I was late again this had been the forth time this week.

I put my hair up quickly and brushed my teeth. threw  on a shirt and jeans. Then I redid my hair correctly so it looked somewhat decent. I Put my book bag and my shoes on. I tied them in the air as best as I could, then I grabbed the keys under my pillow and left.

I got to school, and rushed to 1st period.

"Your late.. again." Mr. Hicks said.

"Yeah I can see that." I walked over to the empty seat in front.

Thank god someone had taken my seat in the back because I didn't wanna sit next to asshole.

"Okay class so." He continued with the lesson.

I was bored... like out of my mind bored.

I then felt a Tap from the guy, behind me and he gave me a sheet of paper.

I opened it and it said:

"Are you mad?"

I got up from my seat and threw away the paper.!He looked at me with pained eyes. But I didn't care he was an asshole for leaving me there. A little warning would've been nice.

The bell rung and I needed to put away my stuff i had at least 3 text books in my bag. I had study hall, so I just wanted to go to the library.

I was at my locker when a pair of hands grabbed my hand.

I pulled back knowing who it was.

"Don't fucking touch me Johnny." I slammed my locker walking away.

"I'm sorry okay!" He apologized trying to get my attention from behind me.

He ran in front of me.

"Are you going to talk to me?" He asked now looking into my eyes.

I swerved around him and went to the library and he wouldn't fucking budge.. he never does. Of course he followed me.

"U/n I'm sorry." He admits pulling my arm and turning me around.

"Just leave Johnny... please." I begged.

"Y/n-" He tried to talk but I spoke over him.

"No, no you don't get to talk, Alright? You took me to the fucking beach when I told you I didn't want to go. Then you kiss me 3 times on the beach, and then the best part is you leave me there thinking you went to go cool off but no. You left." I admit as one drop fell and I wiped it quickly.

𝑷𝑶𝑰𝑺𝑶𝑵, Johnny Lawrence ✔Where stories live. Discover now