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˗ˏˋ 31🎬 'ˎ˗

"Banzai!"- daniel

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- daniel

"You ready?" I asked.

"More than I'll ever be." he smiled as he grabbed my hand.

We headed inside, as soon as he saw the gang we parted.

I saw Mr. myagi I haven't seen him in a while since well, I moved out. I really did love Mr. myagi, sort of like the father I never had. I used to be with him all the time when he trained with daniel after I moved I never really saw Daniel train.

I ran towards mr. myagi and him a big hug.

"Good see you too." He smiled as he hugged me back.

"You don't know how much I missed you." I smiled.

"You ready to kick some ass!" I asked slightly punching Daniels arm.

"Always ready." He laughed.

"You got it." I assured


I had some sort of time left before the competition to look for johnny. I was looking through all the teams, so many dudes were looking at me. I knew I was the only girl
without a gi or whatever the hell it was. But have decorum and act like you've seen a lady before!

"Hey princess" I heard his voice from the back of me.

"Oh there you are." I turned around.

"Good luck alright?" I placed a small kiss on his lips.

"Thanks my love, but are you really gonna be cheering for that dweeb?" He asked sarcastically.

"Be nice remember our agreement." I laughed placing my arms over his neck.

I made and agreement with Johnny because ever since the Halloween dance I couldn't really risk Daniel getting hurt like that again. So I told him he couldn't hurt him at all and that he could use it for the tournament.

"Yeah yeah." He giggled slightly.

"Johnny you know the rules, no distraction!  In the locker room now!" Krease yelled from the back.

"Yes sensei. I'll see you in a bit princess I promise." He said before leaving.

"Alright good luck." I placed a small kiss on his cheek before heading out.


"Daniel Larruso to ring three please at this time!  Ring 3!" The announcer had announced.

"Ring 3? where's ring 3?" Daniel asked nervously.

"Calm down well find it." I patted my hand on his back for reassurance

𝑷𝑶𝑰𝑺𝑶𝑵, Johnny Lawrence ✔Where stories live. Discover now