V2E12 breach

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Team RWBY is surrounded in the middle of the pavilion by Beowolves, Ursai, and a massive King Taijitu. The King Taijitu unleashes a mighty roar, signaling the Grimm to attack. Ruby plants Crescent Rose on the ground before kicking away the Grimm, Yang propels herself upwards, performing aerial bombardments with Ember Celica on the Grimm before three Giant Nevermores send her crashing to the ground. Blake slashes a Beowolf with Gambol Shroud before firing on the other approaching Grimm. Weiss slashes three Beowolves, before summoning a glyph to conjure up an ice blade. Yang, back on the ground, sends several cars flying towards the Grimm. Meanwhile with y/n, he's trying his damnedest to stay conscious.

Y/n: "god damnit... Guess that knife wound wasn't as small as I thought..."

Growling in pain, y/n stands up, holding his bleeding hand, his left leg was in an obvious limp

Y/n: "right in the broken hand. Damn you animo..."

Not giving another thought of the pain, y/n slams his injured hand into the Omnitrix, and in a green flash

Heatblast: "these things are going down!"

Jumping forward, y/n punches a beowolf and Burt's right through it, blowing it's head off, the swings a wipe of fire at another, slicing it in half, suddenly, behind y/n, he heard a voice that put a smile on his flaming face

Nore: "Nora Smash!"

Heatblast: "about damn time"

Jaune, Pyrrha, and Ren soon follow.

Pyrrha: "Let's move!"

As Jaune sighs, the others charge in.

Nora: "Smack!"

She bats a Creep away while Ren strikes two more. He moves on to slash at a Beowolf.

Jaune: "Okay, who's first?"

Jaune turns around to notice a giant Ursa standing behind him. Pyrrha is fighting several Grimm nearby. Impaling a Beowolf, and then a Creep before seeing the Ursa advance on Jaune. Behind him Weiss and Blake are fighting more Grimm.

Jaune: "Oh-oh-okay, you're first, huh? Okay, no, that's fine. Totally fine, done this before, done this before…"

With a mighty scream, Jaune slashes the Ursa several times before it falls. Pyrrha smiles, as she notices his improvement. A few feet from the fallen Ursa, Sun and Neptune arrive, flashing their badges.

Sun: "Nobody move! Junior detectives!"

Neptune: "We have badges so you know it's official!"

Tetran: "move it kids! Plumbers, coming in!"

Tetran and Vanessa walk up, tetran rips off his gloves, turning his hands into firemode, and Vanessa takes off one of her gloves, then turns her arm into a massive laser cannon.

Vanessa: "step away from my baby you sorry loboian wannabe fuckers!!"

The two lay fire apon all Grimm around them, leaving y/n smiling, and soon joins his parents in the firing squad

Heatblast: "nice for you to join"

Tetran: "we got a distress signal. Figured you could use a hand"

Suddenly, an airship arrives, dropping off Team CFVY, Hana, and Professor Port. As Yatsuhashi is surrounded by a pack of Grimm, he unlimbers Fulcrum before smashing it on the ground, unleashing a shockwave that sends them flying. Velvet and Fox respectively kick and punch the Grimm with Fox impaling a Creep. Nearby a large spiked Ursa roars before charging them. Hana intercepts it with a frost breath, and a simple push, breaking the Grimm to pieces. Coco walks forward swatting a few away with her weapon. Yatsuhashi shields Velvet before the two start advancing.

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