V5E5 alone together

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it's early morning in Mistral as the opening shot pans high over the lower levels of the city, before moving to the house courtyard. Ruby is seen lying on the ground on the patio outside of the training room. She watches a group of four birds flying together, before one of them flies away from the group. As she watches it fly, Ruby sees Yang peek over her head.

Yang: "You're up early"

Ruby: "Hey, sis"

Yang lets her hair down and uses it to tickle her little sister's nose.

Yang: "Boop"

Ruby giggles affectionately at her older sister's action, before sitting up as Yang sits down next to her.

Ruby: "What are you doing up?"

Yang: "Can't fall back to sleep"

Ruby: "Ah, me neither"

Weiss: "Well, fortunately, coffee exists"

Y/n: "meh, I prefer smoothies"

Weiss and y/n arrive outside to join their teammates, weiss carrying a tray with three cups of coffee, and y/n holding his own drink, a simple chocolate smoothie. Weiss lowers the tray down so Yang can grab a cup. Then moved to ruby

Ruby: "No, please!"

Weiss: "Don't worry, I put in blasphemous amounts of cream and sugar, just for you"

Ruby: "Oh, yeah! Nice Weiss strikes again!"

Suddenly, Weiss pulls the cup away just as Ruby was about to grab it.

Weiss: "I will pour this on you, and it will burn"

She hands the cup to Ruby, who nervously giggles. Y/n sat down next to yang, and Weiss sits down next her teammates and grabs her cup of coffee after placing the tray down next to her.

Yang: "Can't believe we're actually in Mistral"

Ruby: "That's what you can't believe?"

Y/n: "even when your boyfriend can turn into aliens?"

Yang: "Well, yeah! And all the other aliens, magic, and stuff. But… Okay, you know what I mean!"

Weiss: "I honestly wasn't sure if I'd ever see you three again"

Yang: "Well, here's to defying expectations"

Y/n: "booya"

Y/n, Yang and Weiss clink cups together, while Ruby gulps her cup down in one go, opening one eye to glance at the others' cups.

Ruby: "I just wish Blake could be here with us"

Yang "Yeah, well, she made her choice"

Weiss: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Yang: "I mean, she could've been here if she just stuck around. It's no big deal, though. We'll be fine"

Ruby, Weiss and y/n all have concerned expressions on their faces.

Ruby: "Don't you want her here?"

Yang: "Why would I want her here?"

Ruby: "Are you still mad at her for leaving?"

Yang: "Oh, whatever gave you that idea, Ruby? No, I'm totally fine. I'm great"

Y/n: "yang, I think you should calm down"

Yang: "Don't tell me to calm down!"

Ruby and Weiss gain startled expressions, as y/n just looked more concerned.

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