chapter forty-three

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April 17th - Hogwarts 

The marauders and the rest of their friend group had been restless all day. According to Dumbledore, that was the day Nephera was supposed to be returning from whatever it was she was doing. 

Despite the teenagers constantly pestering the older wizard, he would not give them any indication of where she was, what she was doing, or even if they had been communicating and she was safe. 

Tony had been distancing himself from the group, not talking to anyone, not even Remus. The Ravenclaw had no idea what to think. On one hand, he did recognize that he had lashed out too hard on Nephera, but on the other hand, he still believed that the basis of what he was saying was true. 

Ellie too was torn between trying to deal with the incident, while also trying to understand Tony's position and help him see how he was mistaken. 

At that point, they had all taken to separating Sirius and Tony as often as possible, since most times the two were together they tried to attack each other. 

In Paris, Nephera and the Prewett twins were eating breakfast before leaving to floo back to England. The mission was a sucess and had gone by without a hitch, Barnier had been arrested and everything from his office was confiscated by the French Authorities. No Death Eaters showed up, which on one hand, was a good thing, but on the other hand it made for a rather uneventful and sometimes boring trip. 

"Why is it that the French only have tiny coffees?" asked Fabian 

"It's an espresso," sighed the girl "And I wouldn't recomend drinking another one, you'll be bouncing off the walls soon,"  

Gideon laughed as the mental image of his twin going completely crazy entered his mind, "We should leave for London, Merlin knows how crowded it'll be and we need to give the report to Moody," 

Nephera tucked her wand into the waistband of her pants, "You two go ahead, I think I'm flooing directly into Hogsmead, I've missed my bed," 

In reality the girl had missed much more than her bed. She missed Ellie, the marauders, hell, even Tony, even though she was mad at him. 

Over the days she spent in Paris, she had a lot of time to think, and she came to the conclusion that, even though it was true that she had no reason to provoke people or her fate and it could be sometimes avoided, just like at Christmas, other times it couldn't be. 

She couldn't have run away to any of their houses because then her father would've followed her there, and then they all would've been in danger. And when it came to Easter, what did he expect? She should've just let them kill that woman, and probably Fabian and Gideon as well? 

"Madeyes' been talking baout you, by the way," said Fabian

His brother continued for him, "I think the day you officially become an auror is the day he actually smiles," 

"Shove off, both of you," she rolled her eyes "I'm going, I'll see you at a meeting or whatever," 

The two of them nodded, and Fabian gave her a quick hug, "If that Tony guy sais anything else, send him over to us, alright?" 

The girl laughed at his serious expression, and she picked up one of the towels on the table of threw it at them, taking the small trunk in her hands and moving towards the fireplace. 

As much as she had missed her friends, however, she wasn't sure if she was ready to face them, especially Tony. On top of that, there was a pinge of guilt in her stomach for leaving Ellie when she was in trouble, but at the end of the day, she wouldn't have been any help in the state she was in anyways. 

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