chapter sixty-eight

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September 16th - Undisclosed location 

Tom Riddle was pacing in one of the rooms of the Grand Manor. Nephera's screams could be heard from the floor above him, monstrous and throaty like usual. Bellatrix had been in a horrible mood when she apparated in that day, and she was no doubt taking it on the brunette. 

However, the girl's screams didn't satiate his anger, not in the least bit. For a long time, he had felt as though he wasn't exactly in control of his actions like there was someone else moving him, pointing him towards which direction he should take. 

Shaking his head, he realized that he was just being paranoid and frustrated. Frustrated, because no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break Nepehra. Her mental shields were as strong as ever, protecting her mind and all of her thoughts. 

He had tried everything, from physical torture to mental, but the girl was as strong as ever. 

"My Lord," came the voice of Lucius Malfoy, who was hesitantly walking into the room, "I'm afraid I have some bad news," 

"Talk," he ordered, his patience already wearing thin 

"The prophet today, it reported that Evergreen is in Azkaban as of last night," 

Riddle huffed out a breath, "So, Winchester's friends finally caught on, did they?" 

"I'm afraid so, My Lord. How do you want us to deal with Winchester? Or would you like to kill her yourself," 

An idea popped in Riddle's head, something that had been worrying him for quite some time now, "I'll be the one to kill her," he stated, "But not yet, there is something Mrs. Winchester could help us with," 

"Pardon me, My Lord, but I doubt she'll help us willingly," said Lucius cautiously, knowing that a man like Voldemort didn't like to be second-guessed 

"Well of course not, Lucius. That's why we need to give her an incentive," he smirked maliciously 


September 18th - Hogwarts 

The marauders had been used to stares around the school, it came with the fact that they were one of the most popular groups in school. 

Ellie and Tony too had gotten used to the stares over the years, mostly because they had managed to befriend the one person no else would dare get close to. 

But the stares they got were usually stares of anger, or amusement, or fear. This time, it was different. 


Everyone stared at them with pity. 

Mere minutes after Voldemort's plan had been exposed, the rumors had, of course, begun to flow. 

'She's been kidnapped.' 

'Kidnapped? Please, she's dead, it's obvious.'

'I don't think so, they needed her alive for the Polyjuice Potion.' 

'Well, if she wasn't dead before, she definitely is now.' 

'She had opposed you-know-who one too many times, of course, she's dead.' 

'I mean honestly, did she really think she could do something like that and make it out alive? How arrogant was she?' 

No matter what the rumor was that was circulating around that day, they all had something in common: everyone seemed to agree with the fact that Nephera Winchester was dead.  

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