chapter sixty-two

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(time skip to the end of summer because i got bored of writing filler chapters hehe)

August 20th - Undisclosed Location 

That summer had been one of the best for Nephera Winchester. Granted, the measure of comparison wasn't great considering the fact that her previous summers were spent locked in her room at the manor and being abused, but it was still a lot of fun. 

The marauders, Ellie, and Tony had been popping up at her apartment for the entirety of it, sometimes all together, sometimes one by one or in pairs. They stayed over sometimes, in the spare room or if there wasn't enough space they simply crashed on the couch. 

Fabian, Gideon, and Ailani too had been coming over all too frequently, especially after a long week of Moody's training sessions. 

Multiple times she had apparated to the Potters', after being invited for lunch on Sundays by Mia, and she went as frequently as she could. It was no secret that the children of the Sacred Twenty-Eight grew up extremely pampered, if you don't factor in what happened behind closed doors. Because of this, Nephera had absolutely no clue how to cook, and so Mia's homecooked lunches were definitely something she did not want to miss. 

Currently, she and the Potter parents were sitting in a cottage, on top of a hill, after being summoned by Dumbledore. 

"The Notts have reported curious movements over the past two months, apparating back and forth from Albania," explained the Headmaster, "Of course, there is no evidence that they are Death Eaters-" 

The Slytherin snorted at that, "I saw their son get branded, is there really any question about the parents?" 

"Still, Mrs. Winchester," huffed the wizard, "According to Wizardin Law at the moment, Aurors cannon apprehend Death Eaters unless they are caught in the act, the mark isn't enough," 

"That's fucking stupid," grumbled Fleamont, earing a harsh glare from Euphemia 

"Nevertheless, they will be at the Ministry Ball at the end of summer, Fleamont, Euphemia, I believe the Potters are invited every year?" 

"We are, but we typically try to avoid it," answered the older witch earnestly, "Haven't been there for the past eight years," 

"Smart choice," answered the girl, "I've been going to that thing since I was a child, it's dubbed as 'The Ministry Ball' because it's an opportunity for the Twenty-Eight to make even more connections, but it's really an excuse for them to flaunt their wealth and 'pure bloodlines'. Boring as hell, I considered suicide more than once each year while attending it," 

Dumbledore frowned at the girl, not pleased with the fact that she had taken charge of the discussion and explanation, "Exactly, Mrs. Winchester. This year, it'll be held at the Rosier Estate. It would be a good idea for you to attend, try and extract any information possible," 

The eldest pair nodded, "We will, although I doubt anyone will tell us anything, we're not exactly popular amongst that circle," 

"Get them drunk, compliment them on their achievements, they're bound to let something slip," suggested Nephera, 

"Yes, that is one course of action," nodded Dumbledore 

"Is Nephera coming to?" asked Monty, "I mean, I can't see any of them talking to her, given... everything," 

The Slytherin smirked, "That's what he's betting on. I won't be there to extract information, I'll be there to draw their focus. As long as they're focusing too hard on me and what I might do, their attention will slip from the two of you and they'll be more likely to make a mistake," 

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