chapter ninety-three

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January 11th - Hogsmead

After Nephera and Regulus had come up with the plan and informed James and Sirius, the two Gryffindors had insisted on accompanying the youngest boy and Ailani to Grindenwald's library. 

At the beginning, the girl objected, but not even she could do anything to convince the two hard-headed Gryffindors to change their minds. Besides, in James's words, 'If we're with them, it will be even more convincing that Avery and Mulciber are working against you-know-who,'

So, after a lengthy discussion from Regulus in which he made them swear not to do anything the so-called "Gryffindor" way, the three of them were making their way down the one-eyed witch passage to find Ailani in the Hog's Head. 

They had lured Avery and Mulciber there through a fake letter from Voldemort, and the Hawaiian witch would be the one to take care of them so that they didn't get in the way. 

If all went to plan, not only would they find out what Riddle was trying to do, but they'd also frame the two Death Eaters of being spies, and Voldemort might get rid of them himself. 

None of them really had any reservations about the fact that they might be condemning the two boys to death. Avery and Mulciber were Death Eaters, they had killed people before, they tried to kill Nephera multiple times. 

Where Sirius was concerned, they deserved much more than what would happen to them if their plan worked. 

"Where's Ailani meeting us?" asked James in a hushed voice so as to not attract attention to the three of them, even though it was early in the morning and the pub was mostly empty 

Regulus nodded at the bartender, which he now knew was named Abeforth, "She told me she's in one of the rooms, it's where we're stashing the other two," 

"Never a normal day, is there?" muttered Sirius, "What room is Ailani in?" 

"Hundred and seventeen," 

The trio walked up the old wooden stairs to the inn part of the pub, and knocked on the room the older witch had rented for the night. For three teenagers about to break into a library controlled by one of the most wizards of the century, they were surprisingly calm. 

Ailani opened the door, greeting them pleasantly and stepping aside so that they could enter the room, all three of them gaping at what they saw. 

For one, there was blood spalttered all over the walls and the floor, and secondly, there was a broom holding the closet door closed. Ailani's chest of crystals was open on the bed, and Sirius had spent enough time with her to know that at least she hadn't brought the most cursed ones she owned, although there was no doubt in his mind that she had them stashed in the room somewhere. 

"What the blood hell happened here?" asked James, gaping around 

Ailani only shrugged, taking out her wand and placing some charms on the closet door, "The two guys we're framing didn't exactly go down without a fight. Don't worry, they're not dead and I've placed a few healing crystals in there with them, they should be fine by the time we're back," 

Regulus scoffed, "As fine as they can be with us about to frame them for spying," he laughed darkly, "Are we sure they're not going to get out in the meantime?" 

"Certain," nodded the with, "I put them to sleep with a spell Nephera created herself, that girl's too smart for her own good, and I've drawn a witch's trap on the closet floor, they're not going anywhere," 

"What's a witch's trap?" asked James 

Sirius decided to answer that, eager to show what he had heard from his witch, "It's a sigil of some sort. Draw it on any surface and activate it with a spell, whoever's standing on it while it's activated can't do any magic nor leave the boundaries," 

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