chapter one hundred and eleven

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April 8th - Alice's Home 

Simply because Voldemort was the one to give up first in the duel against Nephera, meaning that the girl had technically won, didn't mean that she had no wounds of her own. 

Quite the opposite, actually. 

Voldemort had hit her with a rather nasty Black Arts spell, making blood run down from her eyes, and she had hit her head at some point when she ducked to avoid a Killing Curse. Her ankle was probably broken, it had started to swell already, but other than that, she was fine.

More than fine, in fact, for she was running on an adrenaline high of actually dueling with the Dark Lord, and winning. After tricking a group of highly intelligent beings and destroying their possible alliance with the dark side. 

It had been a hell of a day indeed. 

She couldn't heal herself, the injuries were far too severe for that, and she was already feeling slightly faint from the head injury. Nephera knew she couldn't go to the Potters or St. Mungo's, for she had made a promise to leave in the case of danger, one that she had directly disobeyed. 

With that in mind, she flicked her wand, not caring about the legalities of creating an unauthorized portkey, and left the forest for the only place that came to mind: Alice's house. 

The building she was transported in front of was humble but large nonetheless, with a plain brick exterior and a traditional roof. The lights were on, remaining that there were people inside, and Nephera prayed that it would be Alice who opened the door, for if her parents answered it would make for a rather awkward first introduction. 

Knocking thrice, she leaned against the pillars by the entrance, supporting her weight, while one hand was on the back of her head, cradling the part where she had hit it. 

When Alice Fortesque heard a knock on the door, she imagined it was her parents coming back from their date that night. She did not imagine that it would be Nephera Winchester, looking as though she had stepped out of one of those muggle horror films Lily enjoyed watching. 

"What the-" sputtered the pixie-haired witch, eyes wide in shock and mild fear 

To her surprise, Nephera only laughed, wiping the blood on her cheeks and pushing past her friend and inside the house, "I do know how to make an entrance, don't I?" she asked rhetorically, "Merlin I hope you don't have white couches," 

Whether or not Alice had white couches (she didn't) didn't quite matter to Nephera, for she stumbled over and fell on of them nevertheless, "Listen, the blood under my eyes, rather nasty-" 

The Slytherin was cut off by someone else entering the room from a door, presumably leading to the kitchen, "Alice, who was at the-" 

"Oh well this is just incredible," scoffed Nephera, "You know what, Evans, you got accepted into St. Mungo's right?" 

The redhead was far too shocked at the appearance of Nephera to answer, not that the brunette waited for a reply, "Good, think of this as a uh, test drive, let's say," a laugh bubbled out of the brunette's throat 

Out of the two girls, Alice found her voice first, and rushed to Nephera's side, "What happened?" she asked hurriedly putting her hand on the back of the Slytherin's head and feeling how big the hit was 

The girl let out a groan of pain at the feeling of pressure on top of her open head wound, "I tricked the High Fae into thinking Voldemort attacked me," she replied bluntly, wiping the blood that had once again started to pour, "Then I blew the bastard's nose off." 

"You what?" asked Alice, "What do you mean you-" 

Flicking her wrist, a tissue appeared in Nephera's hand, which she used to dry her eyes, "Blew his nose off. Boom, bombarda, bitch is noseless," she grunted, "Evans, for the love of fuck, snap out of it and heal my goddamn ankle and head!"

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