40; Divided We Fall

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" What I'm trying to say.." Loki finally broke the silence as he gazed up at his Bruce. A little sigh on his lips. " There are a thousand reasons not to have kids, but there's a world of reasons that you should."

" Did you get that off a snapple container?" Wade had popped in, his corcs squeaking on the floor as he went to the refrigerator.

Peter came up behind him quietly, a cheeky grin on his face before roughly smacking his ass. Wade let out a loud squeak of surprise and Bruce quickly looked away.

" What are you two doing here?" Thor hummed, curiosity thick in his voice.

Peter and Wade rarely came home; they had their own little apartment in New York. Not to mention how busy the young spider had been with school and work. It wasn't easy interning at a large corporation while struggling through school, and planning a wedding so far away. Adding the superhero stuff on top of it, Thor couldn't imagine how Peter managed to get here.

" Well uhh.." Peter started only for Wade to cut in.

" There was a little oopsie." The mercenary shrugged, patting Peter's head softly. He ignored the glare from his fiancè and continued. " Someone may have broken into the apartment."

" Someone MAY have?" Loki snapped a little, eyes widened.

" We didn't think about security," Peter mumbled. He looked like a dog with its tail tucked between his legs. " I mean who is gonna break into an apartment where Spider-Man and Deadpool inhabit?"

Bruce looked up with a little confusion; who would want to steal from their apartment anyway? Peter and Wade blew most of their money on food. They had a T.V. and an Xbox but that was the only thing that would look appealing to a robber.

" There's something you aren't telling us." Banner said bluntly. His Eyes studying Wade and Peters body language carefully.

Peter and Wade looked at each other for a long time. They both motioned for the other to tell the truth. Thor and Loki watched while the both of them turned and began to play rock paper scissors.

Three rounds; Peter won all of them because of his spidey sense. Wade let out a grumble and a pout grew on his soft face.

Slowly the merc pulled up hue mask up above his lips so he could speak without his voice being muffled.

" It wasn't exactly just a robber and.. Peter and I may or may not be in danger, and we may or may not be teaming up with Venom to protect us against an unknown and murderous symbiote." Wades voice tried to stay calm while he explained, and the faces in the room didn't react too well to that news.

" Peter! Why didn't you tell us?" Thor was the first one to snap, which had caused the others to jump a little. "This is serious and you could've died and-"

" And we're glad you were honest about it." Bruce cut in with a gentle smile."

" We were taking care of it." Parker snapped a little, his hands curling into tight fists. " We didn't need your help."

Peter's head fell a little, and his fiancè softly laid a hand on his shoulder. Wade made the caramel eyes to meet his soft ones, and gave him an encouraging smile.

" I'm sorry," He whispered. Pete held onto Wade's scarred hand with a little sigh. " We have just been trying our best to figure this out. We're adults and we didn't want to go to dad for help."

" Correction; my sweet little Petey-Pie didn't want to run to Tony and Cap. I thought that was an amazing idea." Wade announced.

Peter looked away with a frown. His first year of college, the green goblin had sent him into a spiral and he swore he wouldn't get help from his parents again.

Not after they had tried to break up him in Wade. Not after Tony had forced Peter into a mental hospital. Not after anything else.

They were all quiet for a long time, watching Peter carefully. The Avengers always found themselves surprised by Wade. He had grown a lot, he always ensured Peters safety, and he mended the families wounds after a harsh fight.

Tony hated Wade, but Wade was the only thing bringing Peter back home.

" We won't tell Tony."

" Tell Tony what?" Stark hissed from the doorway, a mug of coffee tight in his hands.

Peter's demeanor changed as soon as his father slipped into the room. His jaw clenched and his hand tightened around Wade's. The other stayed silent as well waiting for a freak out.

Of course it came. It always came.


Bruce hadn't liked the way Tony spoke to Peter. That harsh and condescending tone, mixed with his Nephew's puppy dog eyes had made his blood boil.

Thor said he blinked and the big green guy was out, but to Bruce it felt like a volcano. Bubbling deep in his core, rising slowly, before lava was spitting into his veins and controlling his every motion. It felt agonizing. It also felt justified.

If Wade hadn't been trying to calm Peter, he wasn't sure what the Mercenary might do.

Loki was only a step behind him, already summoning those sharp daggers from inside his sleeve.

Thor, for once, decided not to solve his problems using his fists.

So there they sat. Hulk sitting on the edge of the bed, a scowl worked on his face while Thor attempted to calm his gentle giant.

" Hulk hate Stark." He grumbled quietly, allowing the god to guide his face to rest over his chest.

" I know, he's not easy to like sometimes." Thor cooed, running his hands through his hair and pressing a soft kiss against his head.

Large green hands reached up to hold him softly, squeezing him closer. Thor let out a loud chuckle and squeezed his big man right back.

" I missed you," The God whispered quietly. Hulk hadn't been appearing as much lately. Not after him and Bruce had started fighting. " I don't blame you, but I did miss you."

" Puny God acts stupid." Hulk mumbled, allowing the soft touches anyway.

Thor could feel him relax against every gentle kiss, every careful stroke of green skin. Hulk's eyes fought to stay open and he gripped his love even tighter. He didn't want to go. Not yet.

" It's okay," Thor promised quietly.

He watched as the large green body started to shrink in his arms. Thor sighed a little when he felt Bruce in his arms, his small frame slouching against his love's much bigger one.

" You better bring the big guy out soon, or I'll have nobody to watch scary movies with.."


𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑 & 𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐄 : 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘Where stories live. Discover now