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Everything happened so fast. One minute I was sitting the living room with Ric, and the next searching the house for Star.

Vicky came running down the stairs, crying. I feared there was something wrong with Star. I stood and went to her. My sister is a little, and Ric is her Dom. We have always been really close.... She is my twin. Growing up, we spent every minute together. Until my father began training me to one day, run the business. It is not what I wanted. I never understood why my brothers couldn't do it. I soon learned why my oldest brother Stephen was going to take over for my uncle...he had no children of his own, and Sebastian had other plans my father never agreed with.

" Your supposably best friend and your girlfriend was just...." Vicky yelled and was cut off by Star running after her.

" Daddy Bryson was just kissing my kitty Daddy...I'm sorry"  Star cried to me "Daddy, I'm sorry please, I won't let it happen again."

When Bryson walked out of the front door, he seemed flustered... Star cried loader... did something else happen then what Star said?

" You need to get her out of this house Vinny, she is a whore... Fucking Bryson"  yelled Vicky as she pointed at Star on her knees, grasping at my leg. I couldn't say anything, I knew that it was me that caused all of this. 

Star stood up and ran upstairs. I wanted to chase after her but I figures that she just needed a little bit to calm down. I would take this time to explain to Vicky and Ric both about my decision to ask Bryson to also become Star's Dom, seeing how they are so close, and I know Star loves him. 

I yelled at Vicky for calling Star a whore.
" Vicky, she is not a whore...I know about her and Bry..it was my idea. While I was busy working for dad, he was there for her...damn Vicky, I thought she was your friend."

" I'm sorry I didn't know when I walked in he was between her legs. I automatically thought they were messing around behind your back Vinny.... I will go apologize to her...and I do like her a lot."
She ran upstairs to Star.

I told Ric about me asking Bry, and he thought it was a good idea....so did I.... I will do what ever it takes to make my baby happy. Star is my world....

" Vinny, she is not in her room" Vicky ran down yelling. God, all she ever does is yell.

I was sure that she was more and likely in my room, I walked into my room, and she wasn't there. I went to her room and noticed that some of her things were gone........ She was gone. 

I texted Bryson......

Me: is Star with you?
Why is he not answering me......
Me: Please tell me she is with you, man... She is gone.
Fuck, why is he ignoring me.... He must be mad about something.....
Me: man I am not mad at either of you...I told Vicky everything...she is sorry.

I called her phone so many times and texted her.... She was not replying. 
Fuck I can never do anything right when it comes to her....I wanted everything to be perfect for her.I waited do long just to be with her. Now leave it to my sister, sh is gone. Maybe she was just waiting for me to fuck up again to leave me. Have I lost her have I pushed her away so much? Fuck .......


Bry: I found her.... You need to come to her parents' house.
Me: I'm on my way..are you with her?
Bry: yeah, and she is pretty upset..man, why did you let Vicky call her a whore?
Me: I fucked up man...

I wasted no more time I ran out of the house. Vicky was yelling at me .....
" Please tell me you found her"

I didn't even worry about answering her. I hoped onto my car and drove to my Star. I know there is a lot I need to change.

I got to Stars parents house and knocked on the door. Her mother was not to happy with me.

" Bryson is with her in her room..."

I stood in the door way and her words killed me. She was telling Bryson when I hurt her.

I told him what I did, I have regreted that day so much.

" Please don't make me go with him" I heard he tell him. Fuck I fucking lost her... She will never be able to trust me again.

Bry motioned my to go with him after her told her he was gonna talk to me.

When we stepped out side I seen the anger in his eyes. I hate to admit it but if this motherfucker wanted to beat my ass I would have no chance. 

" What the fuck Vinny man you of all people man...you know how she is and you fucking physically hurt her already..." He yelled standing in my face.
" Fuck Vinny you don't know how fucking bad I wanna smash your fucking face right now...do you even love her like you say you do man?"

" Yes I do love her Bry I know I have fucked up... "

" Then how come I have have to keep fucking telling her why can't you? You have just been pawning her off for what Vinny...what you fucking one of the sluts that is always hanging around the house... Is that why they are there huh Vinny what Star not good enough anymore... You fucking wanted her for so long then you got her and what the game is over she old to you already?"

Fuck hearing it come out of his mouth it hurts... Of course Star is enough for me...why I can't show her I don't know... Maybe I don't deserve her like I think I do. I only fuck one other girl while I have been with Star and I knew I fucked up and haven't done it since.

" I don't know man...I love her it's not a game... Yeah I fucked up once I fucked Mariah but it was when we first got together after I haven't touched no one but Star..."

" You cheated on me?" Star screamed behind me.
I turned to face her, eye filled with tears and her face swollen. I went to grab her and she started hitting me. I didn't try to stop her..

" You said you loved me but yet you cheated on me and you can't even stand up to your sister for me. Vincent we are over... You made me a whore... You turned me into something I never wanted...I never want to see you again."
I watched her run to Bryson he picked her up as she wrapped her legs and arms around him. She was crying so hard.

" Please Star please don't do this to me...I fucking love you" I walked to them and went to grab her from him.

" Don't fucking touch her Vinny... " Bryson yelled

" Don't fucking tell me not to touch her I paid a lot of money for she is mine."  I yelled as I grabbed her from behind. She held on to him screaming and crying. She is mine... She finally let go of Bryson and he charged at me. I couldn't stop myself I grabbed Star and pulled my gun from my back and held it to her head. The look on her face hurt me so bad but I can't let her go....

" Take another step and neither one of us will have her...." I calmly said as I lead her to my car.....

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