the Christmas party

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Today has been a very busy day. We are hosting our first Christmas party. Vinny said that his parents normally host but seeing how he and Bryson have taken over it is our responsibility now.

I don't mind at all. Daddy went to go pick Vicky up so she can help set things up. Nana, Vinny's mother is coming as well. We really don't do anything but stand around and give orders.

Today we are also announcing our wedding date. I am so excited, I have already picked my dress and the guys outfit out. It's going to so perfect.

" So I heard...your getting married!" Vicky screeched as she walked into my room.

I was getting ready for " pre party cocktails". I think it's crazy but hey I go with the flow. I know one day Nana won't be here to plan the holidays and it will be left up to me.
I turned around and she gave me a very caring hug ....
" Hey little one...." She said rubbing me belly. I told her she could rub my belly when ever she wants. When she finally gets pregnant I know I will be rubbing her belly.

She told me the guys were waiting on me down stairs. She helped me finish getting ready and we headed down.

Everyone was dressed so nice in their tux's and nice Christmas evening gowns. My eyes scanned the room as me and Vicky walked down the stairs. I didn't know but maybe a handful of people.

My eyes caught Daddy's eyes. I giggled quietly, the group of men that was talking to my daddy's were so tiny compared to Bryson and Ethan.

Daddy Vinny had on a jet black tux with his hair pulled back and daddy Bry was wearing a dark grey tux. His hair..  wait wear did all of his beautiful dark hair go. He look so professional....with his serious face.

As we walked to them the talking stopped. Vinny reached for my hand.
" You look amazing" he said kissing my cheek. I don't like that I have to act all proper.

Bry waited and then unbraced me in a hug....
" Baby, you are going to drive me crazy all night long "

Nana and poppa came back. They left to get ready after everything was set up. Bry saw that I was watching them. I haven't really seen poppa much. I seen him earlier but he was busy with work stuff with my Daddy's and Ethan.

" You can go say hi." Bry said and padded my butt.

Poppa saw me coming to him and motioned for the gentlemen standing with away.
" Look at how beautiful you are are you feeling baby?" He asked as he encased with his arms. Goodness he hugs just like Daddy Vinny.

After talking for a little bit I went to find my daddies. It was almost time for dinner. The main part I was looking forwards to.
I walked upstairs, thinking maybe they went to the Bry's office. The room was empty. As I walked down the hallway I heard voices so I followed them.

" We got the phone call conforming that he was found two days ago." I think Ethan said.

" Has anything came up who and why?"

" My father thinks it has to do with some bad deals he was getting in." Yeah that's Ethan.

I wonder who they are talking about. I'm sure it's really none of my business.

" We will get raid of who ever we have to." Oh daddy Bry sounds like he means business.

" You don't know what this means to me man. I am glad we have met. I would really hate to be the one to go against you man."

I knocked lightly on the door....
" Daddy...."

The door opened ....
" Baby something wrong?" Sheldon asked me before he stepped aside for me to walk in.

" No, there is nothing wrong. Dinner is about to start." I said looking around the room.

Vicky was sitting on Ethan's lap....
" Star I want to tell you something..." Vicky said as she sat up on Ethan's lap.
She looked like she was going to cry.
" I want you to be the first we tell " I got all excited hear her say that.

Vinny stood behind me bent down holding my belly.

" We found out this morning, we are having a baby " the tears she was holding back ran down her face. Vinny let me go and I went to her and Ethan.

" You guys are going to be amazing parents." I said giving Vicky a hug. I felt someone touch my butt. I giggled because I think it was Ethan. He has the biggest hands I know of.

We all went to the dinning room where everyone was waiting on us. Oops....sorry was finding out that my best friend is having a baby.

As we finished up dinner Vinny stood up and got everyone's attention.
" We have set the date for our wedding."

I am so excited to start planning everything else. I mean I don't have that long at all....

"We will be getting married on new years day.... What better way to start the new year....."

Everyone cheered and nana told me we will get everything planned by Wednesday.

Some of the older guest had already left so things were getting quite.

Vicky and I went out to the back deck. It was so nice out. I love the Florida weather in the winter.

We were chatting of course about the wedding and our babies. They are going to be so spoiled.

I all of a sudden I felt really sleepy. I look over at Vicky and she had already dozed off. I guess I will lay out here with her. My daddy's know where we are........


I noticed it was getting late and I had not seen Star in a while, nor Vicky. I asked the guys if they knew where they were.

" By the pool, Star wanted some fresh air." Vinny said.

I went to go check on them. No one was on the deck.... I went and check Stars room, empty...
I started getting worried but I'm sure they are around here somewhere.

Went and told the guys that I couldn't find them.

Ethan made a phone call....

" They were here, fuck I think they took the girls." He yelled.

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