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When I opened my eyes and realized where I was fear took over my body. How could he have done this to me? He has taken me away from my family and he took me away from a man that truly loves me. This is not the man I love this is a dark and hateful man.

The door opened and I closed my eyes hoping he would just go away. I have cryed so much that I have no more tears. His footstep came closer, I could smell his cologne the cologne I use to love.

The side of the bed dipped, I could feel the heat from his body and heat of my fear.

His finger tips brushed against my face as he pushed my from my face. I could feel him staring at me. Why is he doing this to me?

" I know you hate me for this my Star but can't and will not live with out you. When I placed that necklace around your neck... That was the day you became mine forever. I love you more then you could ever imagine baby. I will do whatever I have to." His voice his words stabbed my heart like a heated knife.
" Things are going to change for us now. They have to baby... I need you to know this was never my plan this was never supposed to happen." He kissed my forehead and left.


I don't know how long I have been locked in this room. The walls are a very dark grey there is no windows so I don't know if it is night or day.
I sleep most of the time...my dreams take me to a much better place then here.

I miss Bryson so much..I wonder how he is doing what he is doing and if he is looking for me. I pray that Vincent has not done anything to hurt him.

When I woke up there was a tray of food and a note .....

Baby girl you need to eat something... I have laid out your outfit for today in the bathroom.

Why would I need to get dressed...is he letting me out of here?

I ate a few bites of the food he brought. It must be morning because it was pancakes...which use to be my favorite and bacon.
I pulled myself out of bed and went to the bathroom. The outfit he laid out for me was a dress that Bryson had got for me. It brought a smile to my face and the memory of the day he took me shopping. I never understood why Kay did what she did to him. He is the sweetest and caring man I have ever met. I use to think the same about Vincent until the day I was brought to this room.

After I took a shower and put on my dress, I sat and waited for Vincent to come back.

I watched the door open and he walked in slowly. His tall and built body came closer. He was dressed in a dark pair of jeans and a light colored v neck t shirt. His hair was pulled back even what he is putting me throught right now I still find him so sexy.

" Daddy... I'm scared." I whispered to him as he stood in front of me. Maybe if I can find away to make him believe that I need him I could somehow figure a way to get away from him.
" Please Daddy hold me...I miss you." He pulled me up to him and held me . I laid my head on his chest...I could hear his heart beating.
" I don't wanna be alone anymore...I promise I will be a good girl for you Daddy." I cried hoping he would believe me.

" Baby you have always been Daddy's good girl and you will always be." He ran his thumb over my lips. It made me feel sick but I have to play along.
" We are going to school baby...I don't want anyone to think that you are hurt. You are to be on your best behavior....the first time you act out you will not like what will happen."  He grabbed my chin and kissed me.
I will somehow find away...I just have to figure it out first.

When we got to the school I noticed Bryson's truck. I didn't let Vincent see me looking. He opened my door and held his hand out for me.
" Remember baby one little thing and well you will find out."

I acted like nothing was wrong. I held his arm like I have always done walking I to class.

Bryson was sitting in his normal sit. His eyes watched me and Vincent. I didn't sit in my seat I sat on Vincent lap. I was hoping that Bryson would notice something was wrong.

Vincent was acting like as if he didn't have me locked in a room for I don't know how many days and he didn't hold a gun to my head. He was rubbing my back and kissing my neck. My stomach was turning I was literally going to get sick.
" Daddy I don't feel so good...I think I gonna get sick." I told Vincent he just  looked at me like I was just saying it to get away from him.

" Man she is gonna get sick..." Bryson yelled to Vincent. Bryson pulled me out of Vincent's lap and ran to the bathroom. On our way I was able to say help before Vincent ran after us.

I swear I was in the bathroom for like 30 minutes getting sick. I could hear Vincent and Bryson....

" What have you done to her?"

" Nothing fuck...we have been just chilling at the house."

" That's a fucking lie I have been there and your brother is there....he hasn't seen you or her."

I began to walk out of the bathroom and the last thing I seen was Bryson pinning Vincent against the wall. Then it went black. He fucking poisoned me.

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