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Today I am spending the whole day with Daddy Vinny. Daddy Bry is going on a trip with Uncle Bash. I will miss him but I think this is going to be good for me and Vinny.

The three of us had breakfast together before Bryson had to leave. Vinny cooked, I never knew he could cook. He has always had the maids and the cooks at the house waiting on him hand and foot.

" Daddy where did you learn how to cook so good?" I asked as I came up behind him hugging him.

" I use to watch our old cook Martha cook everyday then one day she started teaching me until my father caught me. He told me that cooking was a woman's job."

" Do you like cooking?" He turned around and wrapped his arms around my shoulders
" Yeah I do..." He leaned down and kissed my forehead...
" So what do you want to do today?" He asked as he rocked us back and forth.

I want to talk to him just me and him about the baby and other things going on that has me confused. I hope he is ready to talk.

" Umm can we stay in today and maybe watch a movie and snuggle?"

"Hmm that sound like a plan we can order in lunch.." Vinny said squeezing me.

" Hey that sound a whole funnier than what I'm doing no fare.." Bry said walking towards us. He gave me a kiss and looked at Vinny like he was asking permission or something before he gave him one. I really think it is amazing how close they have become. That's another thing I want to talk to Vinny about.

" I'll see you guys tonight have fun baby girl." Bry said as he walked out the door.

After Bry left Vinny and I went to our room. We climbed into bed. I waited until Vinny was laying down on his back and I laid next to him laying my head on his chest.

" Daddy are you happy about the baby?" I asked as I traced my finger on his chest. He pulled me closer to him...
" Of course I am baby why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know I just get scared that you are not happy."

" Star baby I know that sometimes it may seem that I am not happy but I am more scared than anything...I get scared that what I did to you may have hurt the baby. I would not be able to live with myself."

" The doctor said that baby is very healthy and that she is going to be watching our little butter bean." I said to him. I climbed on to him, straddling him.
" Daddy you have nothing to worry about when it comes to the baby being ok." I placed my hands on his cheeks leaning down giving him a kiss. When I sat back up he ran his finger across my collar bone. My necklace use to sit there but when things started getting bad between us I had taken it off.

Without say anything I jumped up and went to my jewelry box. I slowly opened it and my eyes landed on my necklace that Vinny gave me the day we was paired in school. Remembering what he said to me when he put it on me. It brought tears to my eyes.

He handed me a small black box.
"Open it, baby"
I opened it and it was a necklace with a star charm.
" Look at the back"
To my Star love Daddy
"Oh Daddy, it's beautiful thank you"
"Let me put it on you... Now don't take it off at all unless you ask me first"
"Yes Daddy"

I slowly picked it up and stared at it, that was the happiest day.

I turned to Vinny and he was staring at me.
" Daddy will you put it on for me?"
He sat up as I climbed back on the bed. I believe he knew why I took it off and what it meant for me to ask him to put it back on me. It meant that I was once again his. I will always be his no matter what. Having Bry is just a really big bonus, and that was another thing I wanted to talk to Vinny about.

I didn't want him to think I have a problem with at all because I don't. I love that they are like that with each other, not only sexually but I can tell that there relationship has become a lot better.

Vinny moves my hair to the side and clasped that necklace for me. I raised my hand to it grabbing it. I smiled, the feeling of it being back on me made so happy. I turned and faced him and he was just looking at me. Then he began to say...
" I know I have messed things up between us...I know you will never be able to trust me again."
I had to stop him because that wasn't true, I do trust Vinny because I know that it really wasn't him that hurt me. It was the drugs that he was given.
" Daddy I do trust you...I love to much not to. I know you would never hurt me or ....the baby"
He grabbed me and held me. Having his arms around me was my home. Where ever he is, is where my home is.
" I love so much are and have been my world my everything. I don't know what I would do without you."
He pressed his lips to mine. I didn't even make him wait to take my body over. I let him take what was his...what had always been his.

He laid me down and slowly removed my shorts and panties. He grabbed my thighs and held them apart just staring at my wet pussy. I whined out wanting him to touch me so bad.
" Please's tingling...I want you so bad" I sounded like a needy slut but oh well I wanted to feel him.

He kissed up my inner thigh to my pussy then down my other thigh.
" Please don't tease me"
" Aww my baby girl is so adorable when she wants...." He didn't finish what he was saying he stuck his tongue deep inside of me. His hand moved to my clit rubbing it making me squirm under him.
"My baby likes that don't she?"
" Yes, Daddy" I moaned out. His finger replaced his tongue and his tongue replaced his fingers. Oh his large fingers filled me as he slid in and out twirling his tongue around my clit. I couldn't hold back any longer....
" Daddy please don't ohhh right there ohhh Daddddy." I yelled as I came.
As I finished coming and catching my breathe I noticed that Vinny was standing in front of me now with a washcloth. I was confused...
" Here baby let me clean you up.." he said as he was gently rubbing the cloth on me.
" Daddy... You don't want...." I didn't get finish...
" Baby, I don't feel comfortable having sex with you until I know it's ok with the doctor...I don't want to hurt the baby." He explained laying the washcloth on the floor and climbing behind me wrapping his arms around me. I understood why he was being like this...he ain't exactly small down there.
" Then can I please you did me?"
" No baby I wanna just hold you" he said snuggling his head into my neck.

We laid there in bed for a little while until my tummy growled. I let out a giggle...
" Umm it sounds like our little one is making mommy hungry...I'll call for take out.. pick a movie to watch."

I didn't want to watch a movie I wanted to talk....

He laid his phone back down on the nightstand and looked at me with a funny face...
" You didn't find a movie?" I just shook my head.
" Daddy can we talk?"
" Of course baby what's on you pretty little mind?" He said pulling closer to him.

"If your not ok with talking about it we don't have to." I said looking up at him...
"What's going on with you and Daddy Bry?" I asked him in a low tone.

" Does it bother you baby because if it..." I put my finger in his lips...
" No Daddy it does not bother me I ....kind of no not kind of ....I like it a lot I like how the two of you have became closer...and well the other part also...a lot"
He started grinning and he was blushing....aww daddy blushes.

" It just happened when you was in the hospital... Bry knew something was not right and he helped me clear my name. After we found out that I was drugged and we was standing in the hallway at the hospital...he kissed me. I have always found him attractive but I didn't think that it was right for me to have feelings like that towards a man....but he is not just a man...he is the man that never once gave up on me. I was shocked at first that he felt the same way towards me really I couldn't believe it." He began to explain...
" I think that is one of the reason I was so willing to share you with him."
He kissed my forehead and held me tighter.
" What happened the other night between us was the first time... I was scared that you would find it disgusting but when you acted the way you did it only made want him more..."

"So you love him too?" I asked craning my neck to look up at him.

" Yes I do believe so" he said pushing his face in my neck again..
" Are you sure you are ok with me loving and being with a man?"

" Oh yes Daddy...I am...I love you and Bryson so much and I want you to be happy like me."

The door bell rang...
" Food is here" he said letting me go as he went to get our lunch.

I'm so happy that we was able to it's time to snuggle.

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