"New" Friends

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Today we are meeting with some guys from the docks. I need to make sure this deal goes through. I have heard a lot about this new guy Ethan Rodriguez. From what I heard he has broke away from his family business and started his own.

My father believes it is something we need.

Bryson and I are meeting them here at our wearhouse. We actually brought Star with us today. It is a little odd having her here.

" Boss... They are here." Bryson told me. Star giggled bringing a smile to my face. I know why she did.

We walked out to the front room and watched them walk in. There was four of them. Three men and a woman. I was amazed how the woman held her self. It was almost as if she was in charge. She was being followed by the three men. In our line of work you don't see many women at all.

I saw that Star was watching her. The look on her face was cute.

The one guy was huge. He was probably about 6'5 if not more. He makes Bryson look like a fucking shrimp. Remind me not to get on his bad side. The other two are about my size. But the woman oh my god she is fucking gorgeous. I mean nothing compared to my Star.

They walk in and admittedly the huge one step forward to me.
"Ethan Rodriguez it's nice to meet with you." He grips my hand hard ...damn.
" This is my wife..." He paused and she stepped forward.
" Victoria Rodriguez it is a pleasure meet with you today." She turn slightly and introduced the other two men.
" This is Sheldon and Jamie Cortez..."
No way they can't be brothers are they....no way they can't be married.

" I'm Vincent Marriott this here is Bryson Stevens and this young lady is our wife Star." I introduced us.

Victoria smiled and went to Star offering her hand. Star gave me a look for permission, I nodded. She shook Victoria's hand.

" Let's retreat to the office" I said with confidence. I have a really good feeling about this.

I sat my desk and Bryson stood behind me. It makes me feel safe. Star came and sat on my lap. Ethan and Victoria sat in the chairs In front of me with Sheldon and Jamie behind them.

" I have gone over your numbers Vincent you have some impressive sales. My husband and I would be very interested in work out a deal on your shipping and receiving needs." Victoria said holding a folder.

I am not use to dealing with a female. When it comes to work. Ethan just sat there watching Victoria. You could see the love he has for her just in the way he looks at her.

" Thank you...I have just recently taken back over the business... Let's talk numbers."

We talked for a little bit about the deal between the two families. I am pleased and it seemed Ethan was as well.

" Miss Star when are you due?" Victoria asked my baby girl.

" In four months we are going to find out what we are having next week." She said excited that she was asked.

" Congratulations....how about us girls go and get a bite to eat and let the guys get to know each other." Victoria said looking over at Ethan. He nodded his head.

" Sheldon" he just said his name and he went and stood with Victoria. Fuck man they must know he means business.

Star walked to me and started wiggling her ass.
" Daddy can I please go with Miss Victoria?" She said in a sweet little voice.

" Yes baby, be a good girl ok." I told her.

Sheldon held his hand out to Star...before taking it he asked if she was a little. I was surprised that he knew of our life style.

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