hold on

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I stood by her bed and stared at her. She is so peaceful right now. I knew things wasn't what Vinny said. Why would he hurt her like this?

" How's she doing bro?" Sebastian asked as he came in the room.

" She hasn't woke up yet... Why would he do this to her... what's wrong with him?"

" Dad's got him locked up in the basement....dad said that he said he didn't do it...." Bash said gripping my shoulder.

I placed my hand on her stomach and tears ran down my face.

" Did he know?" I turned and asked him.

" I don't think so...I don't know if anyone has told him yet."

" It's going to kill him when he finds out" I drop my head looking away from him.

Everything happened so fast. Yesterday when she passed out it all became a blur. One second I had Vinny pinned up against the wall about to smash his face and the next I am carrying the woman I love into the hospital.

Vinny was acting like he fucking was worried about Star. I know no matter what he says he did this to her. He did this because he was jealous. He is jealous over how I feel about Star.

" Maybe you should be the one to tell him. You are his best friend Bry." Sebastian said as he walked closer to Star.
" She is so innocent...he tried taking that from her....somehow she never let him."

" It's not all his fault Bash....I had...have a big part in this. I should have never let myself fall in love with her...."

The doctors came in and checked her out... Nothing has changed. They told us that the amount of poison in her system was enough to kill her but she was holding on.

We still don't know where he was holding her. We all know it wasn't at the house because Stephen is there and Vinny does not get along with him at all.

" I'm gonna go to the house to talk to him...do you mind sticking around until her mother comes back? I don't want her to wake up alone."
I asked Bash right before I leaned and kissed my sleeping beauty.

" Nah man I don't mind at all....I'll come to the house if she comes before you get back." He gave me a hug ...
" Man everything is going to be alright...you gotta stay strong..oh and try not to kill him."
I laughed a little and walked out.

I walked into Stars bedroom, her smell is over everything. A sweet lavender with a hint of cotton candy. I wi never forget it no matter what.  Her favorite bear sti sits on her bed with it's purple bow tied around it's neck.....

" Oh uncle Bry...he is perfect thank you...what's his name?"
" I don't know how about you name him..."
" His name will be....Bryan after you"

It brought tears to my eyes thinking about all the memories we have together. I can't loose her.

I pull myself together and head down to the basement. Vinny was sitting on the floor of one of the cells, his hands in his hair. He looked up at me....

" Bryson I swear I didn't do this to her....I love her so much man I would never hurt her...please tell me she is alright." His face was swollen and his eye was busted and blood dryed on his face.

" She hasn't woke up at... She had enough poison in her body to kill her Vinny..."  I wanted to kill him right now. Just the thought of never being able to hold her in my arms again or never getting to hear her cute giggles.
" Why Vinny why did you hurt her? Why did you try to kill her?" I yelled at him. He stood up and looked at me, tears running down his face.

" I didn't do this to her... I can't live without her Bry you know this. She is my sunshine through all of this darkness I live in. She gave me hope she is my hope for a better life."
In my heart I wanted to believe him..

" Where was you holding her?"

" At the safe house off of 52nd"

I needed to go see if I could find anything...

My stomach in knots afraid of what I was about to find. I searched the house, when I walked into the room he must had been keeping her in my heart broke. The pillow was stained with her tears her clothes still in the bathroom. I looked at the night stand and a plate with pancakes and bacon still sat there. To me it was weird because Vinny would have taken the plate to the kitchen when she was done.

I sat on the bed and wonder why all of this happened.
I heard the front door open and then voices.

" He is locked up in his father's basement and she is in the hospital so we are clear. .make sure you get everything" I heard one guy say

" Check the room where she was and make sure there is nothing left behind... One down 2 more to go"

I hid in the closet as I watched two men search the house.

" Make sure the shit we gave him is gone... You can leave the poison make it really look like he did it."

He didn't do it....

" Man the shit worked good I heard he held a gun to her head. We are gonna have to use this more often."

" Hey boss look..." I could see the white stick in his hand...." Fuck man I didn't know"

They hurried and gathered the stuff and left.

I called Bash...

" I need you to drug test Vinny...I think he was drugged man...and he knew. He would have never hurt if he knew."

" How do you know..."

" I'm here at the house he was holding her and two guys came and searched the place...you and Stephen need to watch you backs they said one down two to go"

" I'll meet you at the house"

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