The first day of school

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I set my alarm an hour early for today. I am really nervous about today. This is the year I get matched with my Daddy Dom. I have been in training for 3 years. I really hope whoever he is he will like me. I know I'm not the typical baby girl. I am 5'7, and I am a little on the chubby side.  My teacher said that some of Daddy's like chubby baby girls. I'm not a little so it's not like he will have to carry me.  I just like being taken care of and being treated like a little princess.

My mom calls up to me, telling me it's almost time to go. I decided to wear a light purple baby doll dress in a pair of black Mary janes. I left my hair down with a light purple hair chip to hold it out of my face.  I grabbed my bag and head downstairs.

"Oh Star, you look so pretty, baby girl." My mom tells me on our way to the car. She knows how nervous I am. She went through the same thing. That's how she met my dad. She is his submissive. They have been together for 19 years. They got pregnant with me just a short time after getting together. They are very happy together.

I know some of the Daddy Doms in my school.  We don't have any class together they keep the Daddy Doms and Doms from the submissive littles and baby girls. There is this one guy I believe his name is Vincent, he is really tall, probably 6"4 or 6"5, he has black hair that is long I don't know how long because he keeps it up either in a man bun or just pulled back. I wouldn't mind him being my Daddy..wink wink ...

I get to school and walk to my locker and grab my stuff for my first class. I have had the same locker for 4 years now. That's the class we learn who our Daddy's Dom is. I walk to my class and see there are 2 lines of seats, one on each side of the room. The teacher is sitting at his desk.
"Hello Star, you can sit on the side next to the window."  He said pointing to the line of chairs. A group of guys comes walking in at the same time. I start getting even more nervous now. I was biting my bottom lip. I sat with my head down. The rest of the kids come in and take their seats.

I looked around and then I saw Vincent at the end of the row of seats. I think he knew I was looking at him because he looked and me and winked. I automatically looked down. I kinda got embarrassed when he caught me looking at him.

The teacher stood up and started telling the class how they decided who was going to be matched to whom. Then he said, let's get started. He called the Daddy's first, then their littles/sub/baby girl.  The girls would go and sit on their assigned  Daddy's lap. Then he called Vincent's name and paused for a minute to talk to the teacher that walked in.  There were only 3 of us girls and 3 Daddy's left.  He recalled Vincent's name, and then he called mine... I looked up at him and he smiled. I slowly got up and walked to him.
He patted his leg for me to sit down and I thought I was nervous this morning. That's nothing compared to how I am now.

" I was hoping that we got matched together...I'm Vincent, but you can call me Vinny until you are comfortable enough to call me Daddy." He said as he rubbed his giant hand on my lower back. I smiled at him " My name is Star", I said. I didn't notice I started bitting my bottom lip again. " Baby girl, please don't bite your lip like that", he whispered to me.

For the rest of the day, we spent together. This year Daddy's are in their little/sub/baby girls classes. We were walking and I noticed how tall he really was. When he wraps his arm around my shoulder I'm the perfect height for him. My head reaches his chest.

At lunch, we left school and went to the little cafe down the road from the school.

" Seeing it's our first day together, we can wait to go over the rules I have for you. You look like a good girl, so I'm sure I'm not going to have a problem... Am I Star?"
" No sir, I try to behave all the time and do as I'm told."
"Mmm good"
" Vinny, may I ask you a question?"
"Of course baby girl."
"Why did you hope you got me"
"I like how you look... I don't like the skinny girls  that walk around the school, I'm a big guy I need someone that can handle me and you look like you can with no problem."
"Oh," I said as I looked down.
" I like to cuddle a lot and I want something to hold..." He said and smiled

When we were driving back to school he put his hand on my thigh. I looked over at him and smiled. My teacher was right about some guys like girls like me. "Thank you Daddy for lunch," I tell him putting my hand on his.
" Your welcome baby I just want to make sure you are happy"
"Yes Star, I want to meet your parents tonight."
"Ok, Daddy I will text my mom and dad and tell them."

We got back to school. He parked the car and got out and open my door for me. I got out and stood there waiting for him. He picked me up. I looked at him like he was crazy.
" Daddy I'm too big to be carried"
" Hush baby you are not too big... If daddy wants to carry you Daddy will carry you beside you look tired you can take a nap on me in our next class." I snuggle my head into his neck. He smelt so good. We got to class the teacher said to him "aww looks like you have a sleepy baby huh"
"Yeah, she will nap I'll take notes for her."
"Mr. Marriott you sir will make your baby girl so happy"
Wait what Marriott... That's the company that my dad works for.
" I plan on making her very happy Sir"
He sits down with me and I snuggle some more into him. He starts rubbing my back and kissed my cheek and I drifted off to sleep. He is so comfy to sit on. I heard the bell ring and I jumped.
" Baby it's ok Daddy has you," he said in a calming voice.
I inhaled his scent. He smelt like a mix of ocean and the forest. 
"I can walk now Daddy"
"No baby your not fully awake and besides I love holding you."
" Did you text your parents yet Star?"
" Oh no Daddy I forgot"
"It's ok give me your phone I'll text them"
" Yes, Daddy" I went in my bag and handed him my phone. I think he expected me to put up a fight about it. I have nothing to hide from him.  He smiled at me then kissed my forehead.
" You are such a good girl," he tells me as he was going through my phone.
"Thank you, Daddy"

We went to our last class for the day. He still wanted to carry me. I didn't complain I didn't want him mad at me on our first day.  I saw I wasn't the only one that was being carried. I guess it is a daddy thing. I grew up with a submissive and an alpha Dom.  
"Daddy I have never been around others like me. My dad is an Alpha Dom and my mom is a submissive."
"Baby your fine. We will learn together"
" Your parents will be home around 6, so we will go to my house and pick something up for you"
We were sitting in class and the door opened.
"Mr. Marriott you are needed in the office." I looked at him and went to get up off of his lap and held me tighter "Sir you can bring miss Star" I just smiled. I haven't been away from him but to go to the bathroom this morning. I didn't want to go without him for not even 5 minutes.
" Do you want to walk now baby?"
" Yes please Daddy"
He put me down and he automatically grabbed my hand. I smiled it felt so good to have him. He is perfect for me.  We got to the office and they needed him to sign something.
" Daddy what was that."
"Oh, baby it was just our contract just say I will take care of you and all your needs."
"Oh ok"
"We only have a few minutes left of school would you like to go get an ice cream?"
My eye lit up. " Oh yes please Daddy"

We went to the ice cream parlor in the town square. I got a cotton candy flavor cone, and he got a plain strawberry cone.  He was watching me lick my ice cream. I think he even made a growling noise. I giggled when I heard him.
"What's funny baby"
"You growled at me, Daddy"
"I'm sorry did I scare you"
" Oh no Daddy but why"
"Because you are so sexy licking your ice cream"
I got up from my seat and sat on his lap. Then I felt something big and hard. My face turned red.
" That's what you do to me Star you make Daddy happy and mmm hard."

We finished our ice cream and went to his house. It was huge. There were nice cars in the driveway, it kind of looked familiar to me.
"Baby stay in the car and do not talk to anyone and do not get out"
"Yes, sir Daddy"
He was gone for a while, then I heard him telling someone to take care of it and do not call him tonight. I heard someone else yell OK boss see ya tonight.
"Sorry Star, I had to take care of something... This is for you. He handed me a small black box.
"Open it, baby"
I opened it and it was a necklace with a star charm.
" Look at the back"
To my Star love Daddy
"Oh Daddy, it's beautiful thank you"
"Let me put it on you... Now don't take it off at all unless you ask me first"
"Yes Daddy"

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