Bringing them home..

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Twice the Love 

Bringing them home  

I can’t take this shit anymore. I need my baby-girl in my arms again. We know where Ethan’s father is keeping Star and Vicky; we are just waiting for the right moment to move in. Sheldon is with Ethan’s mother to make sure nothing happens to her. It is going to be bad enough that his father will more and likely die tonight.  

Bryson, Jamie and a few of our guys are ready to move in as soon as Ethan gives them the go ahead.  

His phone rings, he gives a signal to Jamie, and I watch as they disappear into the tunnel.  

“You ready?” Ethan asked as he pulled his gun out and loaded it. He was not playing games. His father took what means the most to us. Our wives and the children they carry in their belly.  

I gave him a simple nod, and we walked in the front door. The main room was empty, as we walked further into the house when we began hearing voices.  

“We will leave soon, I want both of them ready within an hour.” I am guessing his father told one of his goons.  

“You won’t be moving my wife anywhere.” Ethan’s loud voice roared echoing throughout the room. His father’s men went to draw their guns when the rest of Ethan’s men came bursting through the door. There were a lot more of us than them. 

“Ethan son, what are you doing here? Where have you been all of this time?” The old man asked as he went to stand.

“I am the one who is going to be asking the questions, you don’t get to ask shit.” 

I listened as Bryson contacted us through our earpieces.

“Vin we have them in sight, they are being guarded pretty heavily.” 

“Kill them all if need be.” Ethan told him. 

I want to just put a bullet in everyone of these motherfuckers head for even touching my Star. I am sure Ethan feels the same way.

I started hearing gunshots coming from downstairs. I looked over at Ethan and he knew our guys had the girls before even being told. He walked right to his father and placed the barrel of his gun to his head.

“You never deserved her boy. She is too precious for your deadly hands.” Ethan's father hissed..

“Go ahead, shoot me, show her the real person you have become.” Instead, Ethan knocked him out with the butt of his gun.

“Take him to the basement.” He told some guys that we had with us. 

“This is now my motherfucking house.” He yelled, daring his father's men to object. None of them raised an eyebrow at what he said. 


When my eyes landed on Star and Vicky I wanted to rush in and grab them both into my arms. They looked pretty comfortable but, you could tell they were both so scared. Vicky was holding Star in her arms rocking back and forth. I could hear Vicky telling Star that Ethan and Vinny would be here soon. What she doesn't know is that I am standing not even a hundred feet from her. 

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