new home

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It's been a couple of days since I got out of the hospital. Even after Bryson and Vinny both tryed talking me into coming home with them, I had them take me to my parents. I felt like I needed time to myself to think.
Of course I have seen them everyday it had given me time I needed. They are coming today to take me to lunch. Bryson said they need to talk to me. I guess I need to talk to them also about my decision I have made.
I have decided that of course I am keeping my baby but I think until we find out who's baby it is I don't want to bother either of them. I know it sounds selfish of me but I don't want them to get their hopes up just to be let down.

When I got out of the shower I stood in the mirror and looked at my body. Even though I already had a puggy belly you can still see the little baby bump. It brought a smile to my face. I will now have someone to love and to love me with a doubt.

My phone rang snapping me out of my thoughts.

" Hello?"
" Hey baby girl are you ready?"
Bryson asked ... I don't get to talk to Vinny that much anymore...I kind of feel like he doesn't want to talk to me.
" Yeah I just have to brush my hair"
" Ok we will be there in a few minutes..."
" Ok"
" Hey Star....I love you."
I wanted to tell him that I love him also but the words wouldn't come out of my mouth.
" Ok...see you in a few."

When the door bell rang I was expecting Bry but when I opened the door there stood the tall and handsome man I fell I love with. The man I thought I would only dream about being in his arms.
" Hello baby girl... Hmm you look so beautiful." His words still get me no matter what. He reached and pulled me to him.
" Hmm I could just do so many things to you right now." For a man that had not said much to over the past week or so really put it on me.
" Oh really daddy." He picked me up causing me to wrap my legs around his waist.
" I miss you so much Star..."
Why does he have to do this to me. God I could just melt in his arms.
" I miss you Vinny."

He walked me to the truck where Bryson was sitting in the driver's seat. He looked back at me and smiled as Vinny put me in the backseat.

I thought we was going to a restaurant for lunch so when we pulled up to a apartment complex, I was confused, but really anything here lately gets me confused.

The guys got out and Vinny opened my door.
" I thought we was going to lunch " I said to Vinny as he helped me out.
" We are having lunch here baby...we wanted to show you our apartment."
Their apartment...they are living together now...I wonder why they aren't staying at the house.

I walked in and looked around.... This isn't an apartment, this is a huge house. It's bigger than my parents' house.
It wasn't really decorated yet. It had a huge couch and some end tables. It looked kind of bare.

Vinny grabbed my hand...
" I wanna show you something..."  I followed but it's not like I had a choice.
" We know you said that you wasn't to sure about being with us, but we would like if you would move in with us.... You have your own room." He opened the door and I walked in. It was beautiful. It probably was the only room that was decorated. I walked into the room more. Vinny was right behind me. He pressed himself against me and wrapped his arms around me placing his hands on my stomach.
" I have never been able to keep my hands off of you.... You are the only woman for me."
I turned to face him...then I seen Bry. He came to us, standing behind me. I felt so little between them.
" We can't live without you anymore, baby girl..." Bry whispered in my ear. His breath sent chills through my body.
That's when I knew I couldn't live without them...both of them. No matter what I told myself. As both of  their hands began to touch my body, I knew that I was in trouble. I would not be able to tell them nothing, and they knew it as well.

Before I knew it Vinny's lips was pressed against mine and Bry was kissing my neck. I could stop myself any longer. I had to feel them. I tugged at Vinny's shirt, pulling it off of him. Fuck, his chest was like it was chiseled stone. I gasped from just looking at it. I turned to Bry and started removing his shirt. I wrapped my arm around Vinny's neck, pulling him closer to us. I have never felt closer to both of them then I do now.
I was led to the bed by Bryson not once did out lips part, until he pulled Vinny to him over my shoulder....... I watched as the two men I love smash their lips together in a very very sexy ass kiss. Yep there went to waterfall in my panties. What I was watching I never knew would be sure a turn on for me..... I didn't say nothing, I couldn't......

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