Who then

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When I heard the big metal door open I was sure that it was Bryson coming to tell me she was gone. I watched him walk to my cell that I will be spending the rest of my life in. I know my father won't kill me but he will make me live in hell for what has happened to Star.

Bryson walked straight to the door and unlocked it. His face had no emotion on it. Fuck... My father won't kill me but he will.

" Come on man we need to get you to the hospital...."
His voice was filled with worry.

" Bryson please tell she....."

" She's still asleep and ok for now I need to get up to the hospital...man I think you was drugged also."

I didn't understand I didn't feel drugged. I felt fine at least I think. I am in emotional pain because of my baby girl.... They say I tried to kill her.

" Bash is meeting us here go get cleaned up and changed" Bryson said before he pulled his phone.

I took a hot shower wishing the pain would wash away. Stars smile flashes in my mind. A smile I haven't seen in some time now.

I hurried and got dressed...maybe I will get to see Star. Right now I know Bryson has all the say.

I met Bry and Bash at the bottom of the stairs. The disgust for me was gone from my brothers eyes. I was shocked when he pulled me into a hug.

" Let's go brother...have you eaten anything since yesterday?" He asked I just shook my head no. I don't know what it is but right now I feel like I am the worst person in the world.

" I don't understand guys what's going on?" I asked the both of them.

" I went to the house Vinny and while I was there two mean broke in and I listened to them talk about giving you some kind of drug I hope it is still in your system so we can prove that it wasn't you that tried to kill Star."
Bryson said as he put his arm around my shoulders.

He gave me hope that my name would be cleared. I have always known he was a good man but I would have never believed he would be the one to clear my name. I know he is in love with Star. Hell who wouldn't be after just spending one hour with her. Her sweet and innocent ways. Her heart is made of gold. I pray that she will be able to forgive me. I can't imagine my life without her in it.

When we got to the hospital my father and brother Stephen met us.

" I have already talked to the doctor she is going to draw some blood and urine. She will test it right away." My father said. I know he still believes that I tried to kill her....

" Hey brother... I am sorry about last night" Stephen said looking at my face. He really gave it to me last night. I don't blame him at all. If it was me learning that my brother may have tried to kill is girlfriend I would have done the same thing.

" It's ok... I'm sure I deserved it in a way." I say as I try to get the balls to ask if I would be able to see Star.
" Can I maybe see Star while I am here?" I finally asked.

" Let's get the tests done and then we will see." Bryson said I just nodded and followed my father.

While we sat and waited for the doctor Bryson didn't say anything at all. He sat and stared at me. He kind of made me uncomfortable. My father and brothers were talking about getting more guys.

" Vincent..I'm ready for you" the doctor called out to me.
I thought I was going back by myself I didn't expect Bryson to walk back with me. Maybe this was his way of making sure that I would get my name cleared.

When we got done Bash said I needed to get something to eat. I don't deserve to eat not yet not until my Star wakes up.

Bryson stood beside me....
" We will get something to eat and then I will take you to see Star"
To me he was acting a little weird.

"I will call you as soon as they results come in"  Bash told Bryson as we walked away.

As we waiting for our food to come I asked Bryson....
" Why are you helping me clear my name?"
He just looked up at me from his phone.
" Because I know you love her and I know you would never hurt her knowing she's...."
He stopped his self from saying it. It's like the elephant in the room no body wants to talk about.
" Bryson, I know you love her also...a lot"
" She's not the only one I love Vinny... I have known you all of my life you have been there for me when no one else was. Yeah at first I wanted to kill you for hurting Star but I knew in my heart you would not have hurt her on purpose. I needed to make sure it wasn't true."
He started playing with his phone....
" Vin man I love you more than just a friend or a brother.... I need...."
The waitress came and he shut up...
" Let's eat and get back to the hospital..."
We didn't talk anymore as we ate.

Bryson's phone rang....

"Hey bro...... Ok we will be there in a few....any changes?.... Ok see you in a minute."

I wanted to get back to the hospital... I couldn't even finish my food.

" You done?" I just nodded yes and we left.

I was all of sudden nervous like my life depended on the results...well it kind of did.

Bash and Stephen was waiting for us outside when we got back.
We all walked to the doctors office.

" Have a seat guys..."
I sat next to my father, Bryson stood behind me with his hand on my shoulder.... Him just being here makes me feel better about things.

" Vincent your blood test came back positive for a mind altering drug....and cocaine with the two mixed can cause big problems."
Bryson's hand tightened on my shoulder, I reached up to his hand and grabbed it.
" Do you remember everything that has happened in the past week?"
The doctor asked.
" Yeah I believe so I know I pulled a gun on my Star and I took her to a safe house...."

" Is that something you would have done?"

" No ma'am he would have never hurt our Star...he was not his self" Bry answered for me as he squeezed my hand more.
The doctor just nodded...then...
" Well I have come to believe that the drug that was given to you was the reason for your actions...I don't know for sure how long it will take to get out of your system I suggest that you have some one with you at all times until you next test next week."

" That's not a problem ma'am I personally will be with him" Bry said. I turned and looked at him he just looked back at me with same emotionless look when he came and got me.

We all exited the doctors office. My father and brothers said they had some things to take care of so they left.

Bryson and I stood outside in the hallway.....

" Thank you man....I don't know what I....."
I began to say...before I could finish Bryson shoved me against the wall and stared me in the eyes. At first I thought he was still pissed at me and was going to beat the shit out of me.... Guess I was in the right place for that....get beat to death in a hospital.....

What he did next shocked me...I didn't know how to feel about it but for some reason I wasn't stopping him. He grabbed my cheeks with one hand and pressed his lips to mine.

" I knew you wouldn't hurt our baby girl... let's go see her." Fuck he just kissed me and it was not a friendly kiss it was a powerful dominating kiss. I tryed not to think to much into it for now.

I walked in Stars room behind Bryson. Seeing her just laying there killed me. I began crying like a little bitch. Bryson grabbed me and held me whispering in my ear...
" She is going to be ok..."  I cryed out...
" This is my fault..."
" No man this isn't your fault...I should have stopped you when I noticed that there was something wrong."
He held me closer and tighter. He wasn't giving up on me.

We stayed with her until visiting hours was over and we had to leave. We went straight to the house. On the way we talked about Star and then the thing we needed to talk about the most.... The baby. 

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