appointment 1

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Today after school I have my first baby doctor appointment. I am really excited, I believe the guys are also. Well I know Vinny is it is the only thing he had been talking about since I made the appointment last week.

Today is also the first day we have been back to school since everything happened. I know that people are going to be talking about us behind out backs but I keep telling myself this is my life, our life not theirs. They can talk all they want. It ain't going to hurt me, ok well maybe a little bit.

When I got out of bed I of course had to visit my new best friend....the toilet. I hate the morning sickness but I don't hate why I have it. This morning it was Vinny helping me. He has been waiting on me hand and foot. It gets aggravating sometimes but I know he is only doing it because he loves me. I am just happy that he is no longer acting like he is afraid to touch me or talk to me.

Bryson pick out me a dress to wear today... One that goes past my knees. Vinny laughed when he seen it.
" I guess somebody doesn't want to be teased today huh baby girl?" Vinny said looking at Bryson.

" Man, shut up... remember pay backs are hell" Bry told Vinny as he grabbed my bookbag as we headed to the car.

Daddy Vinny is driving us today I like his car a little more then Daddy Bry's truck. I don't have to climb up like I do in the truck.

When we got to school we had a big surprise. Vicky.... She had transfered to our school due to Ric being out of town.

" Ohh Vinny you came back..." She yelled as she ran to him.
" Uhh yeah I do want to graduate ya know." He was so cold to her.

" Hey Star..." She said in a sly voice. I just looked at her...
" Hello Victoria" I didn't want to be rude. Vinny pulled me closer to him and looked over at Bry...
" Let's get to class... We don't wanna be late."

" Wait Vin.... Look I'm sorry I shouldn't have said what I did... I didn't know...." Vicky cryed out to Vinny.

" It's over with now we have more things to worry about than you opening your mouth up about things you don't know." Vinny said before we walked away from her.
She followed us to class.... because wouldn't you know she has the same class.

We went and sat in out normal seats well not me I sat on Daddy Bry's lap today. Daddy Vinny was playing around and stuck his bottom lip out and acted like he was pouting.
" Told you pay back is a bitch..." Daddy Bry said laughing.

Vicky sat in front of Vinny. She turned to him....
" So father told me he is gonna be a grandpa... Congratulations guys" she acted like she really cared but I can't believe it....

The day could not go any slower it felt like the minute's was hours. I guess it is only going by so slow because I wanna get to the doctors. It's funny I normally hate doctors.

It was lunch time and I didn't want school food at all but I wasn't going to say anything. I didn't want to bug Daddy Vinny, he was dealing with enough with Vicky being shoved up his butt. I think Daddy Bry knew that I wanted something else.

" Hey, let's go get something from the diner... I could really go for a burger." Bry told Vinny ...of course Vicky was coming with us also.

I made Bry sit next to Vicky so I could bug Vinny to get him in a better mood. Listening to Vicky go on and on about things going on at the mansion, I finally had enough.
" We get it Vicky things are going so good with us not being at the house... I'm happy but our lives doesn't revolve around you." I got up...
" I'm going to the bathroom..." When I was walking away I heard Vinny bitching at Vicky. He told her she was the one who started all of our problems. I know I shouldn't have laughed but I did. She is just a spoiled stuck up little girl.

We went back to school and before I knew it we was leaving to go to the doctors.

Bryson signed me in at the front desk. While he was doing so, Vinny was apologizing for Vicky and the way she is. It's not his fault he can't control her. I let him know it was ok.

They called us back and weighted me and all that good stuff. I was told to change into a gown and to lay on a very uncomfortable table. It wasn't long until an older lady came in with a huge smile.
" Well Miss Star... I have heard some amazing things about you and your little one... My wife was your doctor at the hospital." She told me. I liked the doctor at the hospital a lot.
" Ok so let's get to hearing that little heart beat and then the baby will be getting it's first photo shoot."

I was so excited that we was going to see the baby I started clapping and giggling. Daddy Bryson put his hand on my leg. I knew what that meant....I needed to be a big girl right now. The nice doctor laughed and asked Daddy Vinny if I was a I'm not a little....ok maybe a little. He nodded yes to her.

The question that I was hoping wouldn't come up came up...
" Which one of you gentlemen is the father?" They both looked at each other...
" We are not sure but it does not matter...we will be raising the baby together...." Bryson stated

" Oh Wonderful... I love hearing that..."

She lifted my gown and put very cold gel on my tummy and then a wond...and then we heard the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. My baby's heartbeat.
I went to grab Vinny's hand and he wasn't there. I know he is afraid that something could have happened to both me and the baby but we are ok the baby has a strong heartbeat the doctor said. Bry went to go get him.

" Baby don't get upset I know about your situation and we will just wait until they come back to see the have you thought about what you hope the baby is a boy or a girl?"

" All I have been thinking about is having a healthy baby.... really."
I heard the door open and there was my daddies...

" Well guys it sounds like you have a very healthy baby... Now let's get the photo shoot going."

She used a different wand this time. I grabbed Vinny to make sure he didn't leave me this time. Bryson stood beside him with his arm around his shoulders.

"Ok mommy and daddies...there is your little one.... From the measurements you are eleven weeks and two days.... Your almost into the second trimester my love...that means the morning sickness should slow down."

" Oh thank goodness"

She printed out a couple of pictures for us and set my next appointment for two weeks. She wants me to be seen every two weeks because of the poison.

Aww my baby looks like a lima bean.....

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