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Knocking on jade's door.

"Hey!... get dressed..." I said.

She looked confused but she got up and did what I said. In the car we sat there with the sun blaring in our faces. It was early but I wanted to get out the house before everyone else woke up.

Today I just wanted Jade and I to hang out. I haven't done this in years!. As these kids get older the less they want to hang around you.

"Dad? Where are we going?" She asked. Glancing at her she was bare faced. No make up. It was the Jade I was used to.

"Breakfast, then wherever you want to do" I said.

She smiled "cool".

We sat at the diner I used to take her. She seemed so happy to be here. As a parent do you ever just stare at your child? I did that with Jade. Even though she is a spitting of zoli but Jade is her own person.

"Dad... why are you staring at me?!" She whined.

"Because you are my daughter. I think I'm allowed" I said.

She took the menu and covered her face "stop it".

Our food came and we were eating. Clearing my throat "Jade can we talk?".

She looked nervous but nodded.

"I know you're going to tell yourself you heard this before from mom. But as you get older you will find someone that will truly love you. Not to manipulate you. You are young. You have your whole life to fall in love. Don't rush it".

She blinked at me "but I did love Leo".

I sighed "I don't think it was love. More infatuation. But Leo isn't a nice guy. Umm I was going to wait to let you hear something. But I think you need to hear it".

She squinted her face "hear what?".

Handing her my phone "press play".

She sat there and listened to what Leo said before I took him out. Her face showed confusion before she pushed back my phone.

"I think I'm going to be sick" she ran off to the bathroom. Waiting a little before going to the bathroom to make sure she was alright. She slowly came out with tears falling down her cheeks "I'm so stupid".

Hugging her "this isn't your fault! Don't ever blame yourself!". She cried into my chest. In the car we sat there quiet. She was biting her nails. Jade only did that when she was anxious.

"Dad? I'm sorry" she said.

"There's nothing to be sorry about" I said.

"He made me feel special..." she said.

"That was part of his sick plan. To trap you" I said.

She put her head down and cried a little "don't worry mom and I will get you help to heal from this".

She didn't answer.

My heart went out to Jade. She was too young to fully understand what happened to her. Leo brainwashed her to believe what he did was okay. That it was love.

Gripping the steering wheel tightly. I extended my arm to Jade. She took my hand into hers. We just sat there for a while.

When Jade felt that she was alright... "dad can we go down by the water?".

I nodded "sure whatever you want to do". In the midst of driving I would glance at her. She was just looking out the window with her chin on the palm of her hand.

We reached where she wanted to go. Walking down to the water we stood there. Jade looked around and just screamed. Usually I would've stopped this but she needed to release what she was feeling.

That's when she broke down and cried again. I knew this was the process. Pulling out my phone I texted zoli to set up an appointment with a therapist to Jade.

Sitting on a bench with Jade. She laid her head on my shoulder as I hugged her. This is all she wanted to do. We sat here just watching the water.

Hours later we returned home. Zoli hugged Jade. Nothing had to be said. It's like we were saying something without saying it. This will be a very hard thing for Jade to go through.

As a parent I felt guilty for not protecting her from this. Zoli for sure has told me she felt like she failed in a way. As Jade went upstairs I went to hug zoli. She kissed me which set it off. Pulling her to my den I closed the door. I needed to feel good and I know she needed to feel good.

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