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"Jade has told me a lot about both of you" the therapist said.

"Hopefully all good things" I joked. Alex smiled but put his hand on my thigh. The therapist nodded "Alex I see you're marking your territory".

Alex raised his brow "say what?".

"Your hand you put it on your wife's thigh" he pointed out.

"It's out of habit" Alex said.

He nodded "right... well from what Jade has told me. Zoli you were young yourself when you met Alex. Is that true?".

She nodded "I was nineteen. An adult".

Alex cleared his throat "in her defense she may have been nineteen. But zoli was mentally in her twenties".

"Interesting..." the therapist said.

Alex continued "plus I wouldn't usually go after young women. But zoli took my breath away. I hate to say it. But it was love at first sight".

Zoli blushed "see... and this is not having sex either for months. He stayed around".

"She tortured me by not having sex... but I couldn't leave. There's this pull between us" Alex said.

Zoli turned to Alex "plus I mean even being young... Alex never tried to mold me into what he wanted for a woman. He let me grow into the women I am today. Letting me make mistakes along the way".

The therapist smiled "you both are an exception to the rule. You can genuinely feel and see the love you both have for one another".

They both smiled. Zoli kissed Alex. That's when Alex moved his hand higher. The therapist cleared his throat. Zoli blushed "sorry almost forgot where we were". Moving Alex hand down from going up further.

"Jade has told me that she feels lost within the kids. Having so much children there's bound to one who will feel left out. Maybe you both can at least start showing Jade some attention. I can imagine having six kids is a bit much" he said.

"No offense but we show Jade and the kids equal amount of attention. But I guess we will show her more" I said.

Alex cleared his throat "so you don't think Jade is damaged from all of this?".

"Tough to say. Continue getting her therapy and time will tell. Jade seems like she wants the help" the therapist said.

"This bothers me. As a parent I felt like I failed my child. Allowing danger to come to her" I said. Alex rubbed my shoulder "as parents we should've been more alert but this slipped by us".

"You know sometimes life gets the best of us and with children it can seem very busy. Now I'm not sure what you both do for careers but you can factor that in as well. That alone can allow us to miss things we would normally see" the therapist said.

"The way I grew up was fucked up by all means so I vowed to be the parent I never got. I felt that I followed through with that and then this happened" I said.

"We can blame ourselves for what happened but there's only one person to blame. The predator" the therapist said.

Alex grabbed my hand into his. The therapist smiled "you two are an example to what a loving couple are. From being here in front of me for an hour. The body language I've seen is envious".

//. .

Once we got home I wanted to speak to Jade alone. Alex wanted me personally to talk to her. Jade and I aren't as close. Why? It's always been that way. I just had a better connection when Hunter.

Jade came from her room "if I'm in trouble... Hunter did it". I laughed "no and you just threw your brother under the bus!". Jade smiled "what's up?".

Staring at Jade... it's like staring into a mirror. She may get her personality from Alex but no doubt she stole my face. "Mom? Hello?" Jade waved her hand in my face.

"Oh yeah umm... I just wanted to say.. you are my first born. At one point it was just you, me and daddy for a short while. When we had you I was so protective of you. You were so small. Being first time parents it was a learning experience. But we got it right after a few mistakes. Growing up you did mention you felt like you didn't fit. Once my real mom came into the picture you felt the sense of belonging. It hurt me once she left it would hurt you the most. The one time you felt included... but I promise you as of now we will get to know each other as mother, daughter and friend. Jade I would never in my short life want you to feel anything but happiness. I'm also sorry about what happened".

Jade wiped a tear "mom that was so cheesy but beautiful. And I know you and dad killed grandma along with other people! I'm not stupid. I know what you and dad do".

I gasped "who told?!".

Jade smiled "mom we gave a lot to talk about". We hugged one another "love you".

"Love you, too mom!" Jade said.


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