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 Waiting for Alex to come down so we can go

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Waiting for Alex to come down so we can go. The kids were at his mothers house. He came and looked at me "you're wearing that?". Glancing at my dress "yeah you try being seven months pregnant". He put his hands up "you have a good point". We walked to his car and was on our way to meet up with my grandfather. Lord, so far this family has betrayed me already. Let's just hope this man wasn't like his daughter. "You met him before, right?",

"Yeah he's a nice guy. Trust me you wouldn't think he kills people for a living" Alex said. I hope he's right. You never know people change. Pulling up to the hotel where he was staying. We were suppose to meet him in a separate room. My palms were all sweaty. Rubbing them on my dress. Alex had his arm around my waist as we walked inside. The front desk already knew who we were. A young woman escorted us to a back room. A older gentleman was standing by the window. Alex cleared his throat "long time no see".

The man smiled and came to dap Alex

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The man smiled and came to dap Alex. He stood there and eyed me "wow!". I was a little confused "Hello".

"This is Zoli my wife" Alex said.

"You married my granddaughter?" He asked.

Alex nodded "of course. Look at her I couldn't pass her up. But she's an intelligent, kind hearted person you'll ever meet. With some attitude as well". He stood there "can't believe I'm looking at you. Such a beautiful young woman".

"Thanks" I said.

"Let's take a seat and talk" he said. Alex helped me to sit down as he sat next to me. "How many kids do you both have?".

"Four going on five" I said. He smiled "I have five great grand children that's amazing". Just watching this man sitting across from me. Examining his looks and his mannerisms. He was my grandfather. "Zoli? Any questions" he said.

"How come you didn't come get me?" I asked.

"My daughter, your mother she's a very wild woman. I knew about what happened but at the time I was recovering from major surgery. She told me if I ever tried to rescue you she would have me arrested. I couldn't take that chance. She's a ruthless woman when it comes to this business. But I didn't agree nor like what she did. Even now I don't stand for her setting you two up to meet".

"Rewind... what do you mean she set us up?" I asked.

"She had set up for that guy to run you out of town. The diner she knows the guy who owns it. That's how you got the job. And for Alex she knew he would be attracted to you once he saw you. Someone kept her updated on your relationship. Marriage and kids. That's when she came to Minnesota". I was booking at this point. She used me as a ploy in her disgusting plan to get to Alex. "That Michelle girl was sent by my daughter. She's my daughter from a previous relationship. She's just as demented as Nia". Lord I almost fainted. I slammed my fist on the table "your daughter has to go!".

"Sweetheart, relax. You can't do much harm to Nia being pregnant".

"You know you have the worst timing in impregnating me" I said.

"I agree with Zoli. My daughter needs to be taken out. She's destroyed my name, and the business I built" he said.

"She planned everything in order to take you out. That right there is pissing me off. She's lucky I'm pregnant" I said.

"Nia is working off an old vendetta. And since your father is dead she wants someone to pay. And that's Alex" he said.

"Pssshhh over my dead body. She's not coming here destroying my family for her sick mental problems".

"That's what I wanted to meet with you both. Let's work together to take her out. Yes, she's my daughter but she's cross the line with me too many times. Her own mother don't want anything to do with her" he said.

"I'm down. Let's take this nasty ungrateful bitch out!. You know what hurts? When Alex and I were  going through a rough patch I went to her for comfort. Instead she tries to set me up with her husbands colleague. She talked shit about Alex too. But it was all an act. She didn't give two shits about me. My own mother..."

Alex put his hand on top of mine "don't worry about her. This will be the last and only time she'll hurt you. I promise you that".

"You two together is a great thing. The energy you both are giving off are strong. I'm happy you have someone like Alex. You'll always be protected". Pulling out my phone I showed him his great grand children. "Oh wow look at these beautiful kids. It's amazing how the two older ones have your eyes. But the twins don't". I smiled knowing I made this man's day. "You should meet them one day" I said.

"I would love that. They should meet their great grandma and grandpa" he said. Alex and Lucas sat three and discussed their plan to destroy and get rid of Nia. Because I was too pregnant I couldn't get too involved. Once they were satisfied with their plan our meeting was over.

"Nice meeting you Zoli. Please don't be a stranger" he hugged me. Alex dapped him "I'll give you a call". We walked out cautiously and got into the car. "You were right he was a nice man".

"Told you. It's when you cross him. He's not so nice anymore. It's like Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde". This should be interesting how father and daughter will battle it out. Let me get my popcorn ready and a bat too. If Alex thinks I won't get some hits he's crazy. That woman has caused me heartbreak. So I'm going to break her.

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