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No joke anytime I have writers block all I have to do is listen to jhene's music and the ideas start flowing... that's how you know she's a special being.


"Alex come on! We are going to be late" I yelled. Fixing my hair so it doesn't look too wild. We had dropped off the twins at Alex's mothers house so we could go look at these houses. Alex came down the stairs "let's go". Grabbing my purse I followed him outside. "Soon we will have to say goodbye to this house" he said. Turning around and just looking at the house that brought so many memories.

"It's going to be a very tearful goodbye" I said. Hearing the door open and shut... I woke up from all the memories playing in my head. I slowly got inside the car. Alex sped off to our first appointment.

"Let me ask you something... how about we move out of state?" He asked.

"Out of state? Where?" I asked.

"How about California? Like San Francisco. I heard that's a nice town" he said.

"Yeah... I don't know about that. We made a home here. And now to switch up and start fresh. And plus, why should we have to get up and run off?" He looked at me "it was just a thought".

We pulled up to this nice size house. "I already feel this might be the home". A realtor approached us "welcome, I see you already have that look". I smiled "yeah this house is something special".

"Lets look inside first" Alex said. We all walked into the house and let me tell you it was a sight to see. I could see our children running all through here making noise. "This house is a five bedroom, three bathrooms".

Nudging Alex "I like this". He nodded "let's make sure". After checking out the rooms and backyard. I was sold on it. Especially the kitchen. The marble countertops sold me. "I want this home!".

Alex and the realtor smiled "well I guess she loves it. How about you sir?".

"This is a nice house. Very spacious. At least the kids won't be on top of us" he said.

"So is that a yes?" The realtor asked.

Alex nodded "yes we will take it". I jumped up and down in excitement "sweetheart relax... don't need you getting over worked". The realtor handed Alex some papers. "Just look these over and sign". He grabbed my arm pulling me to him "You need to sign as well".

"Why?" I asked.

"Because we are owning this new home together" he said. Getting all teary eyed... "wasn't expecting to get this emotional". The realtor smiled "so cute to see couples owning homes together. How long have you been together?".

"Over ten years" I said.

"Wow! You definitely don't see that anymore" the realtor said. Alex and I both signed the papers for this new home. I never in my life owned something. In celebration Alex wanted to go get lunch until his phone went off. He glanced at it "we will have to raincheck this lunch. Nia wants to meet about business".

"Are you sure it's business?" I asked.

"Yeah the way she worded it. It's about business" he said.

"Just be careful" I said.

"Sweetheart, I'm skilled just as Nia is. And she knows that. You have nothing to worry about" he said.



Dropping off Zoli back home. She was going to go pick up the twins and hang with my mom as well. I walked into my office to see Nia sitting there. I really need to explain to my secretary to not allow anyone inside my office.

"Alex! My favorite son in law" she smiled.

"What's up Nia?" I asked.

"Well I wanted to meet with you because Zoli hasn't been taking my calls. Did I do something wrong?" I took a seat at my desk "no, she's just in one of her moods. You know how pregnancy can be. She gets into these weird moods where she doesn't want to be around anyone".

"Oh? I was like what did I do? Or maybe she was mad at me for something" she said.

"Well unless you didn't do anything... you shouldn't be asking yourself that" I said. She raised her brow at me "why would you say that?".

"If your questioning yourself then maybe you have a guilty conscience. Like when jade knew she took more than one cookie. She felt so guilty she thought we were mad at her. But it's because she knew she did something wrong".

"No! It's just I'm her mother. She is my child. My youngest! So I feel a way when any of my children don't speak with me" she got all defensive.

"No need to explain yourself to me. I told you the reason on why Zoli isn't speaking to you and that's all. Anything else?" I asked.

"Why are you being so rude to me? Usually you are happy to lucky" she said.

"I guess sometimes things change. From now on I'll treat you as a business partner. I don't want to get mixed up with you on that level. No offense" I said.

"Wait? Is this because I had Zoli go on a date with Leo?" She asked.

"Leo isn't a threat for me. I know where my relationship stands. Zoli and I been together for over ten years. One man can't change that. But one woman can. Or at least she thought she could" I stared straight at Nia.

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