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The next day I met Alex in his den. He took off his glasses and glanced at me "now what were you trying to tell me last night?".

"At the fair... Leo was there! And hear this his niece Camilla is friends with jade!" I said.

"Jade has friends?" Alex asked.

"Focus!" I said.

"Leo isn't getting the message. So I guess I'll have to pay him a visit" he said.

"That won't do anything. He seems very persistent" I said.

"Not that I'm blaming you but if you just said no I don't want to go on that date with you... none of this would be happening" he said.

"So you're technically blaming me for this?" I said.

"Zoli no! Come on I'm not" he said.

Standing up from the chair "you know what I might as well handle Leo myself. Since this is my fault". Alex walked over to me "Zoli, I'm sorry. Look I'll pay him a visit to talk. That's it. If anything I want to protect my wife and family".

I smiled "that's the man I know".

He pulled me into a kiss... "I wish I could finish this up but nick wants me to come over". Alex sighed "you owe me".

"Down boy! Later tonight" I smiled. He smacked my ass as I walked away.


Walking into nicks home I saw so much baby things. I mean I know they are in the process of adopting but you would swear they had a baby already. Nick ran up to me "best frannn!!".

He jumped on me and hugged me tight "hey! I brought jade with me". He looked behind me "hey girl".

Jade gave me a small smile.

"Anyway I have a big surprise for you. Follow me" he said. Walking to where he was going I saw someone holding a newborn. My heart slowly melted.

"Oh my gawd! Is this?" I asked.

Nick nodded "yes! I'm a mama".

Instantly going to hold the baby. It was so precious. Jade peaked at the baby "why is it white?". Clearing my throat she looked at me "what? I'm curious".

"Because usually when babies are born they come out white but give it a day the color will set in" nick said.

"Ohhhhh" jade said.

"Yeah he's such a gift to us" nick said.

"Aww it's a boy! Boys are the best" I said.

"Hey!" Jade said.

"Relax girls are fun too" I said.

Nick sat next to me as I was all up in this baby. And no, it didn't make me want anymore. My clan was enough.

"So you do know you'll be aunty and god mother?" Nick asked

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"So you do know you'll be aunty and god mother?" Nick asked.

"Of course! No questions asked" I said.

"Ohhh best frannn we parents now" he said. The happiness on nicks face was everything. He's always wanted to be a parent and now he is. This baby is truly lucky.

"Can I hold him?" Jade asked.

"Of course! Come sit down so I can put him on your arms. And be careful" I warned. Nick and I went to get some formula for the baby. "So best frannn what's going on?".

"Just the usual shit. Alex's enemies can't leave me alone" I said.

"You know you should have your own reality show. You always got drama in your life" he said.

"Exactly. It's like anytime things are really good. Something has to come and mess it up" I said.

"See that's when you need to nip that in the butt" he said.

"I want too but Alex insist he do it" I said.

"Men..." he said.

Nick and I went back to where jade was. The baby was starting to get fussy. Jade handed him over to nick "mom? Camilla invited me over her house".

"No" I said.

"What? Why?" She whined.

"Camilla is a nice girl but her family... not so nice" I said.

"How do you even know that?" She asked.

"Because I do. I said no" she pouted and stomped her feet out the room.

"Nope see that attitude right there will make me choke someone" nick said.

"It's getting worse as she gets older" I said.


Back at the house... Jade was still upset that I didn't want her hanging out with Camilla. She raced to her room with nothing said. Alex noticed "what's her problem?"

"She wants to hang out with Leo's niece today and I told her no" I said.

"Ah, makes sense" he said.

"Yeah she doesn't understand what's going on at the moment and I'm not about to explain to a child everything that's going on" I said.

"She'll be fine. But how about for her sake... we invite Camilla over here. That way we can keep an eye out on them. Also, that way we both know leo isn't around" he said.

"I guess. Only to make jade happy" I said. He nodded "Jade?! Come down please". She stomped her way down. "What?!".

"Look lose the attitude and if you don't stop stomping your damn feet in this house you won't have any when you wake up tomorrow. Second, your dad came up with a good idea. How about you invite Camilla over instead?" I said.

Her eyes lit up "really?".

We both nodded "go ahead and call her". Jade wasted no time. Hunter came down slowly "what was that loud thump?".

"Oh that was jade stomping around" I said.

"Knew it! I know the sound of her big paws! Tell her to keep it outside" he said. Alex face palmed himself "these two will never stop".

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