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"Dad, can you give me the cereal please?" Jade asked. I got up and went to the pantry to get her the cereal she wanted. "Thanks" she smiled. Sitting back down and continuing to eat myself. Zoli came downstairs yawning. "Morning!".

"Morning mommy!" Jade said.

Morning sweetheart! How'd you sleep?" I asked. She was about to walk pass me but I caught her pulling her to me. She leaned down giving me a kiss "I slept fine. You know the usual".

Jade got up and put her bowl in the sink and disappeared. Zoli stood there "so I forgot to tell you Nia has been blowing up my phone. I haven't answered due to obvious reasons".

"How long have she been calling?" I asked.

"About a day or two" she said.

"Knowing how she works. She'll show up here. And I really don't want jade anywhere around her" I said. She started biting her lip and I knew what that meant. "I'll be home today. So if she shows up I'll be here. Just Incase you get stuck in your words".

"You're so damn cute" she pinched my cheeks. We dropped the kids off together and came back home. Now usually since we have the house to ourselves but we also have two other babies here. We would bless this house again, but due to the circumstances we can't do that right now.

"So since you know about the ways I grew up. You never told me about your childhood or teen years" I turned to her "you really want to hear the mess of my life?". She nodded "we have time".

"Firstly my teen years were a mess. I was trying to find myself and the person I was. So I hanged with other crime families and their children who introduced me to drugs. Not hardcore but you know pot, and prescription pills. I was high majority of my teen years. Then my dad found out about my drug habit and decided I would come work for him. Like that was any better. But I did feel like that was the first time my dad wanted to be my dad". Zoli started rubbing the back of my neck. She must've saw how uncomfortable was I getting sharing this. "My mom wasn't happy I joined business with the man she hated. I like said I saw a lot of things and learned a lot. But over time I was done killing people. Especially when that kid got killed in the cross fire that's what made me leave. I went back to school got my bachelors abs just build my way up alone". Turning to her "and now I have you and our children. Didn't see myself being a father".

"How come?" She asked.

"Because of dealing what I dealt with growing up. I didn't want to end up turning out like my father and putting my children through that" I said. She leaned in "You're a great father! The kids love you a lot".

I smiled "thank you". She hugged me "no problem, so you were a wild child then?".

"A wild child? No! But I had my moments as a teen though. As most teens do" I said.

"I surely did not have that rebellious stage. I was too busy trying to protect myself" she said.

"But I'm here protecting you now so you don't have to worry" I said. She straddled me "I love it when you talk like this". Playing dumb "oh really?". She leaned down placing kisses along my neck knowing my weak spots. "If we do this we'll have to be quiet cause the twins are napping".

She smirked "quiet as a mouse".

Lifting her up trying to position myself. She held onto to me with a tight grip. Leaning her down so I could taste her lips on mine. During our heavy makeout session the door bell rang. She pulled away "Are you serious?". Looking at her she just sat there "go answer it.."

She shushed me up "no! Maybe they'll go away once no one comes to the door".

"Zoli our cars are outside. It's obvious we are home" I said.

"Dammit that's right!" She got off of me and fixed herself. Hearing her sigh before opening the door "hey stranger!" I heard. Hearing heels click against my floor. Nia stood there with a smile "Hey Alex!".

"Hey Nia" I said. Zoli stood behind her nervous. Blinking at her twice she cane to sit next to me "I've been trying to get ahold of y'all for the past two days".

"Yeah jade was really sick so we been dealing with that. She just got well enough to go back to school" I lied. Zoli nodded "it was pretty bad. Vomit everywhere".

"Oh wow! Well I was calling because I wanted to know if you guys would love to join us for a family reunion? Zoli this would be good for you... the family can finally meet you".

"Umm... when is it?" She asked.

"In two months. May twentieth".

"Oh damn that's the day before my birthday. We had a big vacation planned for that week" I said. Nia raised her brow "well just think about it. Maybe you'll change your mind".

Zoli bit her lip "yeah... we already booked the trip though. But I guess whenever you have another one we'll be there. The kids are looking forward to this trip. Don't want to let them down". Nia shrugged "anyway that's why I stopped by. But I'll let you two enjoy each other". She walked out the house. Zoli went behind her and locked the door.

"Whew! Talk about awkward?" She said.

"A family reunion? How stupid do she think we are. That was a set up" I said.

"Wow! So about that new house that we need. The sooner the better" she went to grab the laptop and cane next to me in the couch. I guess we aren't finishing what we started before.

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