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"Alex?! I'm trying to sleep!" I moaned. Hearing him laugh "like that's ever stopped me before". I was actually exhausted. With this damn virus going around I'm just hoping schools aren't closed.

"Sweetheart you can just sleep and I can still you know" Alex said.

Sitting up "no! You tried that the last time. That tongue of yours woke me up". He smiled "I know". He leaned in and kissed me. Who am I kidding? Straddling Alex was his tongue was in my mouth.

The room door burst open "mom!!!!". I jumped off quick "what did we tell you about knocking first?" Alex said.

"Oh yeah..." Hunter said.

"Ew, next time I won't come in. My eyes are forever damaged" jade said.

"Can we help you?!" I asked.

"So did you hear? Schools are closed until further notice" hunter said. He broke down and danced. Jade rolled her eyes "you should really limit how fortnite playing".

"Just like they should limit your daily walks. Too much walking and you get grumpy" hunter said.

Jade stared him down "mom look... so we get to stay home!".

Grabbing the remote I turned on the television. The news brief was on and seeing what the kids were saying. My heart started palpitating... holding my chest. Alex looked at me "are you okay?"

"Huh? Yeah" I said.

"Mom you look pale" hunter said.

"I feel light headed" I said.

"Mom is upset cause we get to stay home!"
Jade said.

"All of you will be home..." I said.

"Yup" hunter smiled. He started dancing again. Due to this virus spreading uncontrollably the district decided to shut schools down. Hunter and jade in the same household all day will be tough. The younger ones are fine.

The next morning...

Walking downstairs I saw the kids at the table eating. Hunter looked tired. Jade well she was actually in a good mood. Strange.

"Mommy jade made breakfast!" Nia said.

"I see" I said.

Jade was smiling as she sat at the table. Weird.

"Hunter why do you look tired?!" I asked.

He sighed "I don't know. I slept. I just feel tired". Putting my hand on his forehead. He wasn't feverish. "Maybe if you take a break from gaming and go to bed at a proper time maybe you wouldn't be tired".

"Yeah hunter! He was up until two this morning" jade said.

Shaking my head "see..."

"Jade be quiet. Isn't it time for you dog walks?" He said.

Caleb Giggled "paws".

"Correction big paws" hunter said.

"Anyway I'm going out later" jade said.

"Yeah right... just because schools are closed doesn't mean you get to do what you want. There's still a virus out there" I said.

"But dad goes to work" jade said.

"He makes money..." I said.

Jade rolled her eyes "whatever".

That afternoon I was in my room cleaning up some stuff from the previous night. Hunter came into the room "mom big paws is on the loose".

"Excuse me? Where is she?" I asked.

Hunter laughed "for the fact you answered to big paws is hilarious. But I don't know"

"Jade is testing my patience" I said.

"Well put her on a leash..." hunter said.

Eyeing him before grabbing my car keys "stay here and watch your brother and sisters". He saluted me.

Calling Alex on Bluetooth "hey sweetheart".

"Look our daughter is trying me! I don't want old zoli to come out. I've been good for the past couple of years!" I said.

"First, calm down. Second what happened?" He asked.

Explaining to him what happened he sighed "jade is getting older...So I expect her to rebel".

"Is that all you have to say? I don't give a damn about rebelling. There's a deadly virus out here and she's clearly trying to get it. I don't want to die. Out of all of us... I'm at risk being a diabetic. I'm so close giving her a ass whooping for this" I said.

"Just find her and when I get home we'll talk to her, okay?" He asked.

If Alex thinks I'm waiting for his soft was to get home to reprimand jade... not happening. Going through my mind to see where would she be.

Driving by the school I looked around.


Drove by the parks.


Before driving off I heard a giggle. It's the same giggle when a girl and boy are together. Turning my head I saw jade on a boys lap on the swing. My anger is boiling. She's risking her life for a boy?! Oh hell no!.

Jumping out the car with my mask on I charged over there "Jade Olivia Smith what the hell do you think you're doing?!".

She quickly jumped off of this boys lap and stood up. Looking like a deer in headlights.

"What can't talk now? Did homeboy here take your tongue out of your mouth?" I asked.

The boy cleared his throat "that's impossible ma'am".

"You be quiet!" I said.

Jade had nothing to say. She ran to the car fast.

"Does your parents know you are out here?" I asked.

He shrugged "I don't know".

"Lord she picked a dumb one" I said.

Wait until we get home!

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