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These damn kids need to be set straight. Since we going to be trapped in this house for a while. I will be damned if any of our kids decide to not listen.

"Mom? We aren't in trouble?" Hunter asked.

"No I just wanted to have this small meeting" I smiled. Placing the phone FaceTiming jade who was upstairs and grounded for life.

"Oh rover! How come she's not down here?" Hunter asked.

"Jade is in enough trouble. But just so she doesn't miss this meeting I made sure she was here in spirit" I said.

Jade appeared on the screen with a full blown attitude. Ignoring her at the moment...

"So... since you kids will be home for now there's going to be some simple rules for you to follow. Unfortunately for jade she decided to do her own thing. Now let's not follow jades lead. I won't hesitate to let my other side out and tear up some ass. Ask jade... she got the pot spoon aside her head".

Hunter smiled "I was there for that".

Jade sucked her teeth "that's abuse".

"No, abuse would be what I really wanted to do to you but daddy got in the way... now moving on... with school being closed. The teachers emailed me your work. Starting tomorrow you all will be up by nine. Eat breakfast and then school work. Since there's a deadly virus outside... no one will be able to step foot out there. Jade you hear me? Or would you like me to draw you a picture?" I asked.

"But what if we get bored?" Nia asked.

"Entertain yourself. I'm not a performer. There's a million things you can do in this house" I said.

"Oh" she said.

"Also, the word mommy or mom will not be overused at all. Dad is here too. You can always call on him for something" I said.

"But dad is at work all day" hunter said

"As of tomorrow dad will be working from home" I smiled.

"How come there's rules?" Hunter asked.

"Well funny you should ask. Usually I can trust you guys with just doing what you like. But jade took complete advantage of that. So now because she did wrong... you all suffer. I don't need stress at all. So we will have a very calm household. Understand?" I asked.

They all nodded.

I smiled "good... you're dismissed".

Alex walked through the door confused "what did I miss?".

Not answering him I ran to grab my can of Lysol. Holding my nose I sprayed Alex down.
He jumped back "I'm clean!".

I nodded "sure I bet! I have to take extra precautions". Once I was done he seemed amazed. "You didn't miss much. Just told the kids in a very nice polite way to not mess with me".

He walked up to me wrapping one arm around my waist "how's jade?"

"She's alive" I answered.

"You know I was thinking. Maybe instead of punishing her... how about we learn more about her boyfriend. I mean we all know how it is being a teenager and having first loves" he said.

"First what? Jade doesn't even know what love is to even say she loves this boy. It's all lust and infatuation" I said.

He nodded "okay fine, but I do think we should learn more about this boy or man. If he's a man then he will be arrested".

Tapping Alex on the shoulder "don't hurt yourself".

"I don't want you and jade having tension. At one point you two were close. I would hate to see that bond disappear" he said.

"Alex open your eyes. Our daughter who is fifteen is out here having sex. What if one day she comes home claiming she's pregnant or has an STD?" I asked.

"For one that boyfriend of hers would be dead. Second I honestly don't know what I would do or react" he said.

I nodded "exactly because you didn't get that far in thought".

He smirked "I know what far in thought I do have. It has to deal with you under me as I'm in so deep".

Pushing him back "also sex will have to be on hold. Kids are here now all day long. And we both know they don't knock".

Alex facial expression looks like a sad boy on Christmas "say what?' What I'm going to do?"

I shrugged "you'll figure it out".

He looked so dumbfounded. Poor thing. He stood there running his beard "how long is lockdown?".

"Isn't that they real question? Or how long you'll be without sex?" I smiled.

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