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Five years later...

These twin girls are driving me crazy. Their stubbornness is going to be the death of me. On top of that they work as a team. Nahla has a boyfriend now. She's only twelve but I know it won't last long. Poor guy gets bossed around by nahla.

Nia isn't innocent either. She eggs on nahla doing what she does. And vice versa. I've done this twice already. I'm just going to sit back and watch this unfold. Plus, I sure nahla's boyfriend also likes Nia. This will lead into a fight. I'm not prepared for the screaming and female emotions.

Zoli came down stairs with Hunter. He has a date tonight. Shaking my head cause Hunter was trying to run from his mother. "Hunter wait?! Take a picture for me". Zoli chased after Hunter outside.

"Mom... can you stop?!" Hunter whined.

"Just one picture! That's it" zoli said.

Poor Hunter. Mom is going to annoy him. He better not have his date come here. Zoli can't handle that Hunter is getting older. He's leaving for college soon. That's going to have zoli in her emotions. We are proud of Hunter. Smart kid. He got into an Ivy League school. Hopefully once he graduates... he can come work with me. He knows this as well we spoke about it. Father and son running the business.

Zoli came back inside wiping her tears "he's growing up".

"That's what they're suppose to do, sweetheart" I said.

"I know but  I miss the kids being small" she said.

Putting the paper down "come here". Zoli walked over to me and sat on my lap. Rubbing her back "you'll be fine. Remember we have three more to raise before they leave the nest. Then we have the house to ourselves. Which means we can bless the house a million times with no interruptions". Moving my fingers down to her butt.

"Dad ew, come on! At least warn me!" Caleb said.

Rolling my eyes...

"Mom come on we have to leave before I'm late again! Why is it anytime dad is here I'm late to karate?" Caleb asked. Zoli got off my lap and left with Caleb.

Let's talk about Caleb. Last born. He's a very inquisitive kid. Also he's very very smart. He doesn't miss anything. High energy, this is why we always have him into something. He has a lot of friends. Usually this house is filled with them. That's the difference between Caleb and the other kids. He has this house filled with kids. I guess you can say he's a popular kid.

Now when they come back he'll have a friend with him. It's a routine. For a kid who has asperberger's it doesn't stop him from living life.

When we found out he had aspebergers it was a little worrisome. Didn't know anything of how life would be for Caleb. But as time went on and services continued he blossomed. Zoli and I still have our worries but Caleb seems to always remind us he got this.

Now Jade, after that incident with Leo. We continued therapy for years until she felt that she didn't need it. We made sure she was making the right decision. But over time you saw Jade was coming back to herself.

She enjoyed her last year of high school. Prom, and having fun. I think I'm a way she felt she missed out with how fun school could be. After graduating she went to spellman. She couldn't be happier. Every time we speak I ask if she met a boy. Her answer is always no I'm focusing on my work.

Hopefully someone wonderful will come into jade's life. Treat her like a queen. Make her happy. That way I don't have to murder anyone. I'm getting too old!.

But that's our life.

Now excuse me, my wife is coming back soon and we need to finish up what I started before.

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