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[a month later...]

Even though this is my fifth time

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Even though this is my fifth time... I feel like it's my first. Caleb and I have this weird connection. I don't know if because I delivered him but now I can understand Zoli and Hunter's connection.

"Aww look at daddy! Can't put Caleb down" Zoli joked. I smiled "you know how I get with the babies".

She walked in and peeled a look at Caleb in my arms. "He looks very comfortable". Zoli has her checkup today. Hopefully everything is okay. I've been counting down these six weeks. Especially with the added weight she put on. My god... I can't wait.

"Luckily, Jade and Hunter are in school. Do you want the twins to come along?" She asked.

"Doesn't matter to me" I said. She left the room to get them ready. Glancing at the door I see one of them racing down the hallway with only a diaper on. "Nahla you better come back here!" Zoli yelled. Shaking my head at the whole situation. Zoli raced down the hallway only to come back with nahla kicking and whining.

Hearing little feet running. The other one came and hid behind my leg. Zoli came in "every time they have to get dressed it's always the same thing. Where did she go?". I eyed down at my leg. Zoli looked and smiled "come on can we get dressed?!".

She shook her head.

"Nia, go get dressed. For daddy, please" I said. She looked at me and walked to Zoli. "Amazing". Nia ran back to their room. Zoli sighed "it's not hard when there's one. But two of them. That's work". In the meantime I went to get Caleb dressed to go outside. I met Zoli at the door with both girls. "Ready?".

Zoli nodded "let's go before one of them tuns off and wants to play hide and seek. Opening the door we all walked to the car. Zoli strapped in Caleb first and then strapped in the twins. "Hopefully this goes well" she said.

A good seven minutes of driving. Caleb starting crying. Zoli looked at the rear view mirror "he must be hungry". That's all it took cause the twins starting crying too. "Oh this is just great. All the babies crying at the same time!". Seeing Zoli starting to look annoyed. "I'm going to have to breast feed as you drive".

"Wait, until I stop at a red light" I said. She sat there and waited until I finally hit a red light. She got out and went into the back. Sitting down in the middle. I glanced at her as she started to breast feed. "Good times".

I smiled "three under two".

"What were we thinking?!" She asked.

We reached the doctors office. All the babies settled down. Loading them up and going inside. Taking a seat and letting the twins wonder around the office without being mischievous. Zoli took a seat "hopefully we are next".

Caleb was sleeping away in his car seat. "You know he might the whitest child we have".

Zoli smiled "I know... but don't worry you have to have one that matches you". The nurse called us inside. She took Zoli's weight and vitals. "You guys know the drill already". We nodded "we do". The doctor came in right after she left. "How are my favorite couple?!".

"We are good" I said.

"Well Zoli... everything looks fine. The only thing I have concerns about is you having more children. I suggest you don't. You got lucky with your diabetes this time. But I don't think you'll be so lucky the next time. As a word of advice... no more children".

Zoli mean mugged the doctor "oh now you want to say something about that. How convenient". The doctor glanced at me "I'm just looking out for her health. No more kids".

I nodded "don't worry doc we spoke about that already. If anything she can go on birth control or tie her tubes".

"You know you both make me sick. I was trying to do that before but no... and now it's a concern?. You know what" she hopped off the table.

"Zoli come on stop it" I said.

"No! When I was trying to voice my concerns about what he said I was the asshole. But now he wants to save my life now?. And you, all of a sudden you agree to me tying my tubes?" The doctor slowly made his way out the room. "Yeah he would sneak out the room when I'm right!".

"Can we not do this here?" I asked. She opened the door and walked out. Sighing cause now this is going to be a thing. Gathering everyone and following closely behind her. I stopped her at the door "look I'm sorry I didn't see the issue at hand before. Don't be upset. We were having such a good day". She blinked at me a few times. Opening the door she let me walk first and she followed behind me.

She really needs to change her primary doctor. He just made this whole day an attitude filled day. Actually she's not even talking to me now.

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