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"Alex, look how about we try and find hunter on our own. No offense but the cops won't be as much help" I said. He stood still and turned to me "you do have a point". We needed to find out son quickly. They always say the first forty eight hours are crucial.

"Where do you think we should start first?" He asked.

"Well the person said she was related to me. That could've been a lie. But if anything it'll have to be Nia's daughter" I said.

Alex nodded "lord, this is a revenge for taking her mother out".

"Even though she deserved it. But we need to find her" I said.

"Wait? Remember that Apple Watch you bought him for his birthday. Did he ever use it?" Alex asked. I smiled "this is why you are my husband". Racing upstairs to hunters room. He's probably the only boy who keeps his room neat. Alex followed right behind me. We went fishing through his things. "I found the box but the watch is missing" I said.

Alex smiled "which means he has it on him". Maybe in a way getting him this watch was a good thing. Grabbing my phone I remembered i used my Apple ID. So the watch paired with my phone. Going into my phone I went to see if I could trace the watch. You know like locating it.

Jade came up to me "is hunter going to be okay?".

"Yeah he's going to be fine. Just trying to locate his watch" I said.

"Oh that's easy. Here let me do it" she grabbed the phone and just went away tapping. "Here you go" she said. "Thank you, Jade!". She smiled and hugged me. The location was blinking red. Racing to Alex to show him. He can maybe try and see where the red dot was.

He focused on my phone and smiled "I know where he is". Nothing else was said. We packed up the kids and raced over to Alex's mother house to drop off the kids. Once we did that Alex put the address into his navigation. "Can you tell me where we are going?" I asked. He glanced at me "it's a place back in the day we would frequent".

"Okay, like?" I asked.

"It's better I show you" he said. Alex has many secrets and it keeps coming out. Especially when we are in a very deep situation.

"We been married for what a very long time and I feel like I don't even know you. You always have some secret waiting for me to find out" I said.

"It keeps the marriage spicy" he joked.

"I'm not playing. Jesus imagine if I was the one with new secrets every time? You would be going crazy" I said.

"Sweethearts no offense but this isn't the right time for all of this. But I promise you we will talk about this when we get home" he said. Shaking my head I just laid attention to the window watching the trees passing us by. "Oh come on don't be mad" he said.

"Just drive so we can save our son" I said.

He sighed "fine, where we are going is a old strip club. It's run down. But I would frequent here back in the day. Work related."

"Really? Work related? What? Did you shoot up a stripper or something?" I asked.

"No! Why would I do that? I had to be a body guard to some of them" he said.

"Oh okay Kevin Costner. All of a sudden you are a body guard to strippers?!. Do you hear yourself?" I asked.

"I know it sounds crazy but I'm being serious. My dad owned the place and they made us money. Before I had my company I was in on what my dad was doing. How do you think I paid for school?".

"I don't know... maybe a loan. Financial aid... you know how normal people pay for school" I said.

"No I wasn't feeling paying a student loan. So instead I paid for my school in cash. No questions asked... no paper trails" he said.

He stopped the car. Putting it in park. "Look, most of time I'm an open book. But other times I'm not. I choose to put somethings I've done in the past locked away in my brain. But I don't want you to feel like you don't know the man you married. I love you with everything and more. Just let me tell you in my own way and on my own time".

I nodded "okay". He stared at me to make sure I wasn't upset anymore. "I'm not mad. Now can we take this bitch out?!". He smiled and kissed me. "And plus name any other woman who helps their husband kill people..."

We got out the car slowly and quietly. Looking at the location it was still at the same exact spot. "Ready?".

I nodded "ready as I'll ever be".

"Funny you said the same thing the day we got hitched in Vegas" he said.

"And look at us now... many many children and years later" I said. Alex smiled "couldn't be happier. But I must say all of this talking got me all bothered. How about we have a little fun before we bust in there".

"Alex really? Every time we have to do this you want to have sex! No let's get this done first!" I said.

"No fun, fine. Let's go" we both walked up to the door. It was partially opened already. We stopped when we heard hunter's voice. My heart skipped a beat. "He's alive. Thank you god".

"Be quiet" Alex whispered. He slowly pushed the door open. I was closely behind him. His gun was drawn. Slowly walking inside trying out best not to make any noise. "Wow this place is still the same" he whispered.

"Alex try not to piss me off before we kill this woman" I warned.

"I didn't say anything" he said. Side eyeing him he shrugged. There was another door that a light was coming from. We stood at the door. "On the count of three we bust open the door. I'll tell hunter to run out to you and you take him to the car". I nodded "okay let's do this!".

Alex took a deep breath and did what he was going to do. When he pushed the door open there was so much trash everywhere. Hunter jumped and smiled "mom! Dad!". Alex motioned him to come to me. Hunter didn't waste anytime. We ran to the car. I opened the door and put him inside. "Don't let anyone in okay?". He nodded "okay mom". I locked him inside.

Running back inside to help Alex. When I made it back to the room. Alex had his gun pointed to the same woman who said she was my sister. Her gun was drawn as well. Two guns pointed at each other.

"Oh look it's my sister! Way to kill out mother!" She said.

"What mother? I never had a mother. Oh wait no Alex's mother is my mother" I said.

"Fuck you, zoli!" She said.

"Touché, can you shoot her already?" I asked.

"How about I shoot you?" She pointed the gun to me.

"You don't want to mess with me. Remember we were cut from the same cloth. But I got more of this gene than you" I said.

"Sweetheart, can you stay behind me?" Alex asked.

"Nah let her do her thing. She hides behind a gun. How dare you kidnap our son! Are you dumb?. Did you think we wouldn't figure out where he was?" I asked.

"Lucky guess!" She said.

"No you idiot he has an Apple Watch on. See you're a amateur! Put the gun down before you end up shooting your self" I said.

She huffed "oh never liked you. From the first time I met you. Mom was right maybe it was better off she never went for you. You were a mistake from early on. She never wanted you. She had all she needed with me!".

"Alex what's that number for the therapist? Someone here needs to see one" she bit her lip and was slowly pressing the trigger. Before she could even do that she was on the ground. A gun shot to the head "damn Alex took you long enough!".

"That wasn't me!" He said. We both looked at the door. Hunter was standing there holding my gun. "It was me". Alex and I glanced at each other and back at hunter still holding the gun. I walked over to him slowly taking the gun from his grasp. Hugging him cause I didn't know what to say or do. Alex was in shock.

Jesus take the wheel.

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