Chapter 63

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The blood splattered without hindrance. The sound of bone breaking echoed across the hallway.
"Doesssn't that hurt?"General hissed delighted.
Lashing out he kicked with all his might and sent the General crashing to the stone, chips fell to the floor in a sound less clatter. BRICS glanced at his broken arm, the bone was showing and he grimly switched the sword to the other side.
It hurt but not enough to incapacitate him.
The General glanced at the other commanders.
"Well?!"she growled. "What are you waiting for?! Atta-"
But before she could finish the command something bright and sharp flew throughout air and without faltering struck her on the side.
She fell and hissed in surprise.

"Nope, not today!"
BRICS recognized the voice as-
"EU!! Seriously?!" ASEAN's voice sounded. "You don't throw your sword! How are you going to retrieve it?!"
"I'll see when it comes to that,"EU's cheerfully said. "Hey BRICS! Hope you don't mind we joined the attack party late!"
"Late?!"AU was heard. "Is he hurt?! What happened?"
When the whole group came to view he saw UN, ASEAN, EU, AU, NATO, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa! Before he could say anything the General was on her feet again, spinning to face the newcomers' direction.
"Ssslaughter all!! And leave none alive!!"she roared and the stone rang with the forcefulness of her voice.
"Alright, they look like they want us ded,"EU said flatly.
"It's because they do! Get your sword back before they decide to break it or something,"ASEAN slapped the back of his head.
"Ow! Ok then!"EU said, using a simple retrieving spell to yank the sword back to his hand, causing the General to lurch forward and a fountain of blood to splash out.

The commanders were upon them in an instant, including the General. The group didn't seem to mind the corpses as they slashed and ducked, occasionally using magic to block or shield.
BRICS himself stabbed at the commanders, but they were way more intelligent than the other noob Skryna.
They knew how to duck and attack precisely at the right moment. But that didn't hinder the others. BRICS shoved the blade deep into a commander's stomach and watched as it slumped to the floor, dead.
He watched as UN easily deflected a blast of blue flame and twirl the blade to stab at another's head. ASEAN and EU parrying claws and slashing together. Although they don't admit it they make a great duo.
"Try harder!"BRICS heard Brazil taunt.
A smash was heard and then a bloodcurdling scream and the monster was no more.
The General stumbled upward and unleashed a torrent of blue flame, attempting to scorch them all. But ASEAN had summoned a shield to reflect the blast.
The General then screeched and galloped away screaming profanities all the way.
"Let's go get you cleaned up!"EU made his sword disappear and clapped his hands, looking gleeful as if the fight never happened.

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