33 | Clew

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"WHAT ARE YOU doing here?"

There should be no wind current in the unconscious realm. Yet, the girl's raven hair, the Mitsuko that Akumu has tied her unconsciousness to, is swaying. Her long hair is pulled up top knot with a ponytail and its loosely flowing behind her, cascading down her back and catching the light reflected from the moon.

Akumu cannot take her eyes off the blinding blade in the child's hands.

She's a child, she recalls, yet she kills.

Akumu already knows that she won't be able to break her spiritual core. Not when even maintaining eye contact is already freezing her body in place.

The katana in her hands are almost the same size as her small figure yet she wields it as if it weighs nothing but a feather in her hand.

What is this girl?

"Muzan-sama would get angry."

Muzan? Akumu grips the needle. Who is Muzan?

"Get out."

Akumu doesn't even blink and Mitsuko, younger than the one sleeping on the train, is already at her throat.

Fear claws at her parched throat and despair constricts her chest. She falls off and lands on the lake surface. "I—"

Red eyes glinted at her and Akumu dazedly thinks she's looking at a demon.

"Get out."

The girl raises her katana and one resounding swish seals Akumu's fate.

* * *

Mitsuko's eyes snap awake.

She takes one long gasp, her eyes blinking from the harsh lights of the train -

- no. This is not a train. Not anymore.

Mitsuko grips her katana, standing upright. There was a foul stench engulfing the train and she concludes that the dark flesh attached on the train cars belongs to none other than the demon.

On a scale like this, it should be a Twelve Moon demon.

Mitsuko yawns, shaking the rest of the sleep. She does sleep on the train, but it's a dent on her pride as a Pillar to doze off while all of this is happening.


"Kugh!" Mitsuko coughs out the impact of Rengoku tapping her back. She has momentarily forgotten that Rengoku can be rash sometimes, but it's alright for her.

"Have fun napping?" Rengoku asks, a smile burning bright on his face. Mitsuko replies, "Not quite."

"You go to young Hashibira and I'll go to young Kamado."

Mitsuko nods, unsheathing her blade. The black-red gradient glinting in the train's fluorescent lights.

"Breath of Artemis, First Form: Crescent Strike."

Flawlessly, meticulously, and gracefully, she cuts down the ebony muscles from structure, relieving the passengers of the threat to their lives. Her feet are light against the platform as she zooms past the cars to where Inosuke is.

"Hashibira-san," Mitsuko calls out. She opens her mouth to speak yet disturbed by the train shaking.


"No time," Mitsuo sternly warns, "The train is composed of eight cars. Rengoku-san and I will protect the six cars from the back."

Mitsuko swings her Nichirin blade, cutting down flesh threatening them. "Agatsuma-san and Kamado-san's sister will protect the other two. You and Kamado-san will find the neck of the demon."

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