25 | Absolution

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MITSUKO WAS ALERT. She didn't waver in the presence of a demon. Her eyes are narrowed and her mind is awake and at its top condition despite lowering her guard when she was with Muichirou.

"It's a girl this time." The demon said, revealing itself to Mitsuko. Its face was covered with a demon mask and its body was clad in a dark-colored yukata. Anyone could almost mistake it as a human except for its irregular skin. Of course, Mitsuko didn't miss the small horn on its head.

"I envy you for your pretty cute face. Maybe I could skin off your face, so it's mine instead." The demon motioned its red oni mask to reveal its distorted face. Its cheeks were scratched with blood. The flesh was visible behind its cracking skin. No, only traces of skin remained. It didn't have a lips to cover its teeth, nor eyelids to cover its bloodshot eyes. If Mitsuko wasn't used to such sickening features, she would've puked on the spot. But, no. Spending every night bathe in demon's blood had instilled in their minds the gore scene of decapitating heads and showering in bloodbaths.

The demon was surprised at the lack of reaction. "Eh? No reactions? Perhaps you have seen me before?"

Mitsuko didn't speak.

The tongue of the demon lunged straight at Mitsuko. In a blink of an eye, the tongue was severed before it reached Mitsuko. The demon screeched in seething pain. It was a wondrous melody in Mitsuko's ears.

A dagger fluidly danced across Mitsuko's small fingers. Each spin was executed with ease and familiarity as if she was doing it all the time.

Sure, there are cons of not showing up in a demon slayer uniform or leaving the estate without her Nichirin Blade, but Mitsuko is not an idiot to show up without anything for self-defense. She is always ready.

"You got the wrong food this time," Mitsuko spoke, her eyes trained hard on the demon.

"Fuck you-" The demon's voice wad cut off when he started scratching on his tongue as if a tick has landed on it.


Mitsuko closed the distance in a quick moment. The demon wasn't able to give a split second to think as its head was already on the ground.

"You want to know how I'm able to use poison in combat?" Shinobu turned around.


"Well, I'm using my scabbard to store and switch through poison. The mechanism is very complex. May I know why?"

Mitsuko pulled her skirt up high enough to see a pair of daggers on her thighs. She explained, "I asked Tsurugi-san to create a pair of daggers with Nichirin Blades. I have them made just in case if something happens to my katana."

Shinobu was listening intently in silence, urging Mitsuko to continue, "I hope you don't mind me using your wisteria poison to further enhance the daggers' efficiency."

"That's..." Shinobu was overwhelmed by surprise at the sudden proposal and favor of Mitsuko.

"...so smart of you."

The demon head on Mitsuko's feet started to be sloggish and melt in the shade of a raspberry thawing. The mask fell out of its place and its eyes fell out of its sockets before melting away. It started to crumble and disintegrate to ashes.

Mitsuko easily slipped the daggers back to its place on her legs. She had lowered the scabbards. The dagger will be seen poking through her kimono if she had set it on her thighs. Her geta sandals clanked on the dirt as she left the alleyway as if nothing happened.

* * *

"Has Mitsuko-chan been always good with a sword?"

Giyuu's gaze never left his simmered salmon in the works as it was being made in front of him over the counter. He curtly responded, "I've never known until now."

"Weird," Shinobu mused. How come Mitsuko wield the sword of a swordsman if she never had any experience prior? She's improving drastically, even coming out of her way to ask Shinobu for her permission to use her fighting style. Add the fact that she had been improving on very close-combat. It made Shinobu confused and curious. For a girl like Mitsuko, she's definitely a genius.

It's like she's born to hold a sword.

A question lingered in her mind. "I heard from Mitsuko-chan that you two are not blood-related. How was Mitsuko-chan found? I'm curious. Really curious~"

Giyuu watched how the chef prepped his simmered salmon with daikon on a bowl. Just a little more. "She's found by my father in the mountains as an infant."

Shinobu rested her cheek on her propped elbow. The mountains, huh.

* * *

Mitsuko had a bright smile on her face, almost scaring Giyuu.

She held the kitsune mask in her child-like hands, hopelessly giddy with the present Muichirou had given her. It was funny how Muichirou's cheeks flushed as he handed the mask. It's even a miracle that she spotted his red cheeks despite his flat demeanor.

Mitsuko didn't notice Giyuu standing by the door of her room. She just sat there, smiling. It took her a moment to realize that Giyuu has this "wtf?" face. Again, it's a miracle Mitsuko can tell despite his flat expression.

"Ah, Nii-san! How did your date with Shinobu-san go?"

"Date?" Giyuu was dumbfounded. Even for a girl like Mitsuko, how could she assume such things? Didn't Tsutako and their mother told her not to draw conclusions right away? And, she's nth person who assumed that they were dating or even implied it.

"Yes, date. Shinobu-san likes you."

Giyuu sighed, "No, it wasn't a date. And, Kochou doesn't like me. She makes fun of me."

Mitsuko knew of Giyuu's presence in her room. It was time for lunch. Mitsuko wasn't aware of Giyuu's capabilities in the kitchen. Maybe, he was the one who was cooking their great foods back then. Giyuu must've been learning from their mother at the time.

Still, it's unexpected of him, but Mitsuko isn't complaining. Nope! Not a single bit. She's in awe. Giyuu-nii-san sure is amazing!

Mitsuko put away the kitsune mask and approached Giyuu. She said, "That's because she likes Nii-chan."

"I don't know. But, all I know is the one you just went into last night is definitely a date."

"That's not a date."

The two Tomiokas walked through the halls of their estate and into the dining room where the food was already prepped, ready to be eaten.

"Ramen!" Mitsuko clapped her hands.

Giyuu petted Mitsuko's hair, mentally taking note how it had become smoother when he washed her hair continuously for weeks (Giyuu ran late again and Mitsuko extended his hair-washing duty).

The two settled on their respective places on the table-sitting across each other.

Giyuu watched as Mitsuko digged in right after their moment of thanks. Her crimson eyes sparkled in delight as she slurped the noodles. He took note of how she wasn't clumsy with the chopsticks. Mitsuko always had trouble with handling the chopsticks. Her lips would curl up in a smile as she bite into the bread he bought earlier.

Giyuu felt contented with Mitsuko indulging in her food. So many things had happened between them and he couldn't help but reminisced the days he resented her. He was thanking the gods for the chance to repent for what he had done to his little sister. It's alright for Giyuu to not be forgiven. It is more than enough to see Mitsuko alive. He'll do anything to make his little sister-blood or not-happy. Giyuu will protect Mitsuko with his life.


Mitsuko looked up.

"I'm so happy you're here with me."

Her eyes widened. She beamed at Giyuu. "Me too. After all, I love Nii-chan very much."

Giyuu reached over and petted Mitsuko's head with fondness and affection.

"Nii-chan loves you too, Mitsuko."

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