34 | Akaza

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TANJIROU HAS NEVER been helpless and useless. A single goal may be a progress, but he can never reach the level of this.

It's already a feat in itself that Mitsuko can easily fall into step in their league. Tanjirou can't even follow their movements. The clanging and explosion of each attack serves as his only sign of the battle before him.

"Mitsuko," Akaza snarls at her, holding her blade in one fist, "You used to be stronger than this. You don't even need useless things like this pathetic blade!"

Mitsuko narrows her eyes. "You're right."

She delivers a kick to Akaza's face. The demon momentarily dazed and processed that the girl had released her sword.

There is a shh before Akaza registered Mitsuko had sliced his fingers from where he gripped her blade. His blood splattered on her gloved hand and sizzled into the air. Mitsuko flicks the blood from her Nichirin Blade and sheathes her dagger back in its place on her boot.

"I learned not to be dependent on my blade," Mitsuko says, to which Akaza suppressed a disapproving grunt.

It's futile. Her attacks are nothing at the very moment Akaza heals.

"Rengoku-san," she addresses the heaving Flame Pillar, "I still like to eat sweet potatoes with you."

She smiles.

And Rengoku laughs, merrily and motivated.

In that one moment, that one shared look, Tanjirou senses the camaraderie, a bonded chemistry between them. For once ever since this fight started, Tanjirou is assured they will defeat an Upper Moon Demon.

"Of course! Sweet potatoes are the best!" Rengoku exclaims, readying his blade, glinting and persevering in the face of its opponent.

Mitsuko eases into her stance. From the sky, her gradient sword spins dangerously, the moonlight flashing, until it falls in its rightful place in her grasp.

Being optimistic is one way to get the morale high, and through a high morale the chances of winning against an Upper Moon Demon will increase.

"We will eat more sweet potatoes!" Rengoku declares.

Mitsuko disappears from Rengoku's side, reappearing a mere hair breadth away from Akaza. The speed is almost menacing. She comes eye-to-eye contact before her blade swings deadly, deadly close to Akaza's neck, only blocked by his arm.

Her foot flies upwards, connecting straight to Akaza's jaw. The demon stumbles back.

"You really have no respect," Akaza glares and is about to continue when he's barrelled by repetitive thrusts of the katana.

"I know you." Akaza grabs for the blade again, his enclosed fist and the metal trembling in intensity. "I know your techniques, your mannerisms -"

A punch on the face sends Mitsuko reeling back.

"Come!" Akaza flaunts, "I'll defeat you again and again and I'll drag you back, Mitsuko."

Mitsuko clicks her tongue, spitting the blood to the soil. She charges again and Akaza is ready to face her when -

Joint Breathing.

His vision alights in flames.

Flame Eclipse.

Two blades burn at both sides of his neck, tearing through his tough skin and Akaza can feel each inch slowly beheading him.

Mitsuko had been distracting Akaza to give way for Rengoku, but the audacity. He wouldn't be killed, let alone slain, by mere humans - !

Akaza breaks free, the demon art on the ground glowing to life in a snowflake.

"Keep going!" Rengoku yells from behind him. Mitsuko's grip on the weapon tightens in resolve, expression hardening.

Their Nichirin Blades lodge deeper. A little more.

Akaza doesn't allow it.

Akaza grabs Mitsuko's face in one hand. The girl winces.

"You're so weak," he hisses, "I'm so disappointed."

He pitches Mitsuko to the remains of the train, the impact exploding into a crater and shaking the earth. A wave of blood bursts from her lips and the dust erupts like a mist.

Rengoku doesn't let go of his sword. Unwavering.

"Mitsuko-san!" Tanjirou forces himself to stand. He limps through the harsh soil and fear grips him when he can't see a shift through the unsettled dust. "Mitsuko-sa—"

The dust slowly clears and reveals a distraught girl.

"D-disappointed..." Mitsuko whimpers, fingers shaking on the handle of her sword. "No, no. Please, no."

Tanjirou can't comprehend what is happening. The ground continues to tremble with each. The battle still goes on and the sun seems so far from rising. And Mitsuko is - she's -

She whimpers, "I don't want to die."

* * *

Mitsuko is taking too long to recover.

"What did you do?" Rengoku glares. He barely stands in his swimming vision and barely pushes through the rush of vertigo in his senses.

"I didn't do anything," Akaza smiles, "I just have to remind her of her rightful place - not with you weaklings."

Rengoku is well-informed of Mitsuko's unconfirmed origins. A girl who is a prodigy that he can never be. A girl who is thrown into the war between humans and demons. A mere simple girl born into a cruel world.

"She's not going to die. After I kill you, I'll take her."


Rengoku has long accepted, whether she comes from a dark past or an unfortunate accident, that Mitsuko is Mitsuko. Someone who fights demons for the sake of humanity.

"I will not let you take Mitsuko! I will fulfill my duties and I will not let anybody here die!"


Mitsuko finally facing a setback? Yes.

Thank you for reading as always.
(I'm surprise people find this and reach until here so thank you!)

See you in the next chapter!

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