Chapter 2

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Due to the incident I made.. well, we rather.. Jin oppa taught me a lesson(for the nth time) by giving me the task of cleaning the toilet and stockroom of the bar. The stockroom was okay for me, but the toilet disgusts me the most.

He knows I hate cleaning that filthy restroom. Who would like to clean a stinky and nasty place like that? I was working in that place for quite long years and I know what things women and men do inside those small place. Smoking weed, exchanging illegal drugs, dump shits and don't bother flushing the mess. Others would also throw up at the floor, and for goodness sake, there's a lot of sticky undeveloped babies on the walls. Like dude, what the fuck?

But I can't decline his command cause I know I'm the one who's at fault. So with a heavy heart, I clean shits for one whole week.. and it's just my third day now. Well atleast, I have time for myself and listen to relaxing music while cleaning.

"Oppa, I'm going home.. I have completed my task for today." I yelled with sleepy eyes as jin just waved his hands at me as a response.

I immediately step out of the bar and the sun who's just about to rise feels like welcoming me. Yes it's already morning and my duty starts at 8 in the evening and the substitute bartender will arrive at 2 AM, so which means I'm out at midnight. But because of this stupid punishment jin gave, my stay in the bar extended until morning cleaning the restroom and such.

I was about to hail a cab but the morning breeze stops me from doing so. It like it's telling me not to commute and just walk back home instead. That's when I think.. a little morning walk wouldn't be so bad for me. And besides, the streets aren't busy this time, my walk home will be as peaceful as I wanted it to be as I filled my ears with my earphones, blasting some music and sing along until I get to my apartment.

So with that, I walk my way home.

Hi, I'm Moonbyul Yi, and you're probably here to know what's my story. Well, I ain't no special honestly. I'm just an ordinary girl who's working hard to survive every day. No car, doesn't own a house, can't even afford to buy myself decent clothes, and doesn't have a family... and girlfriend if I may add.

I was just a simple commoner who doesn't care about how other things work. What's important to me is to make money to sustain myself and eventually, to survived in this world I secretly wanted to explode. Don't judge me okay? Aren't you all curious how this world will be like if Thanos really snapped his fingers and annihilate half of the earth's population?

Because me, I am curious.

I want half of this world to just evaporate or disappear, especially those people who's heart isn't qualified to live their life happily. Seems harsh but that's what I feel about this world. I hate it, I hate everything.. I even hate myself.

I hate those massive buildings, I hate these streets, I hate a lot of things honestly, but there is something I despise the most..

I despise wealthy people.

Why? I just feel so. Why do you care?

But okay, I hate them not because I am jealous of what they have or what can they acquire using money. I just hate them because rich people mostly are the one who's responsible enough to commit filthy doings in this world.

I'm not specifying that all of them are the same, I'm talking about those people who uses their power to rule over others and tries to use innocent and poor people to obtain what they want cause they know they can control them around.. example governments, businessmen. They tend to step on someone lower than them, they mostly lie, judger jerks, they even steal from poor ones. And even if you say not all people are like that, still you know it's most of them.

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