Chapter 4

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Yongsun went home after she encounter that mysterious stranger who apparently saved her life. The girl just walks out without introducing her name and just leaves her there, standing alone while looking at the stranger's retreating figure. Yongsun didn't even have enough time to say thank you to her. So when yongsun realized her mistake, she promised herself if their path meets for the second time around(hopefully), she will surely deliver her gratitude thoroughly.

She went home much earlier than she planned she'll be back. Yongsun looks at her wristwatch and the time tells it's 4 in the morning, but when she looks back at the mansion, the place is busy and some maids are now awake, doing their respective jobs and chores. But there's no need to worry since most of the maids are on her side, she would just inform them to not tell her parents and everything is alright.

"Yongsun? Is that you? Where.. where did you go?"

Yongsun flinched when she hears her name was mentioned. She slowly twists her head to see who was it and when she saw it was wendy, a content sigh escaped from her lips. Out of all the maids in this house, wendy is the only person yongsun can consider as her true friend.

"Just a quick midnight drive, you wouldn't tell anything to them right?" Yongsun stated as she smiles warmly at wendy while biting her lips at the process. She's still nervous about telling the truth, after all, wendy will interrogate her on what was she thinking why she'd commit such a bold decision knowing her parents are strict for her safety.

"Give me a good reason why I shouldn't tell your parents." Wendy challenged her boss as if she's the one who has the authority to question her. Yongsun bit the insides of her cheeks as she thinks of something deep she can tell as a reason.

"Because I'm your friend?"

That response came as a question because yongsun isn't sure if wendy will take it as a valid one. When wendy raised her eyebrow, finding her reason isn't good enough, that's when yongsun's shoulders slumped and a slight pout is visible on her lips.

"Wendy unnie, please.. I was just admiring the city lights and sorting my thoughts about the marriage news. You know I rarely go out right? I just want to feel I'm a normal person this day... so please, don't tell them." Yongsun honestly told her friend with pleading eyes. If it's necessary to kneel infront of wendy, she'll do it wholeheartedly just so she would grant her request on keeping things secret.

When wendy saw the sincerity of her boss she considered a friend, and because she knows yongsun was still feeling bad about the fixed marriage, she let her out.. but maybe just this time.

"Okay fine, but you're not hurt or something? Your safety still matters yongsun so you better tell me nothing happens when you're there." Wendy warned and scans yongsun body if her bones and other intestines are still intact. Seems overprotective but yongsun is their precious treasure.

"Nothing bad happens, I swear."

When wendy saw no sign of harm, she looks at yongsun with a defeated sigh, nodding her head as a response.

"Okay, good. Now go back to your room before your parents wake up." She stated before yongsun jumps in happiness and hugs her tightly as a thank you.


Time flew so fast that it is now time for bed. Yongsun's parents didn't bother her the whole day as per sodam's request to give her child the alone time she wants. Yongsun was glad at their considerations though and besides, she can't still look at her father without hatred in her eyes. The marriage is still in line despite yongsun's disapproval, that's why she doesn't want to see Eric for now. She might just glare at him or even say something she'll regret after.

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