Chapter 18

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After byul and yongsun quarrel that night, byul tried to follow the girl after minutes of contemplating if she should chase yongsun. She went outside hoping she's still there, but to her dismay, yongsun was already gone and so is her car.

Irene and the others tried to ask what happened to them, but byul was just quiet and bid her goodbye saying she doesn't feel good. Even if the others are curious, they respect her decision and let her go.

It's been 3 weeks; nearly a month to be exact, since that night happened and unfortunately, yongsun didn't bother visiting byul for that long agonizing weeks.

Byul on the other hand knew this would happen.. that the girl will avoid her and disappear. But she was still hoping yongsun will somehow forgive her or barge on her place just like the old times.. Because honestly, byul misses her so much that she can't sleep every time she tried to think about the girl.

And if her misery is not worst enough, byul is sick right now. This is the third day that she can barely stand or move to get the things she needed. Three days that she's just lying on her bed doing nothing. She's just always in her room, alone and sleeping. She'll just stand when she'll get the food delivered or get some water to drink.

Jin already knew what's her state so the old guy visited her yesterday and bring something to eat. He also bought a few medicines just in case she ran out of it. Well, jin was right though, because right now, she's out of stock.

"Byul, you're still sick?" Jin called byul to ask if she's okay or not, and when byul just hum in response, jin already knew her employee is still unwell.

"Okay, is there anything- hey!" Jin didn't finish his statement when someone grabs his phone away and that someone might be named irene.

Irene was worried when byul was not showing up for her work for two days straight. It's not common for byul to absent and she knows it.

"Byul? Are you okay?" Irene asks on the other side of the line. It somehow made byul smile unknowingly, knowing someone was worried about her health even if she didn't tell them about it.

"I'm okay, irene. Tomorrow I'll be alright, don't worry."

"Who's taking care of you? Is yongsun there?"

Byul fell quiet for a second after hearing yongsun's name. She misses her. She misses the name she didn't hear for straight three weeks. She misses the face that didn't show up for quite a while.

It makes her sad.


"O-Oh.. I'm sorry rene, but if possible I want to rest now. My head is aching like crazy." Moonbyul reasoned out to dodge the topic.

Honestly, she didn't know what to answer. So for now, as much as possible, she'll avoid answering anything that relates to yongsun.

"Alright, just be sure you'll be here tomorrow or I'll-"

Byul didn't let irene finish her response as she ended the call and throw her phone somewhere beside her. She immediately closed her eyes when her head pounds uncontrollably, hoping she could sleep even with this pain.

And minutes after trying, darkness indulges her senses.

The tik of the clock and the sound from the air conditioner is all byul heard. It was serene.. it was peaceful.. it's everything she wishes for. But despite the calmness of the surroundings, it's not the only thing that made byul's dream special.

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