Chapter 29

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"Release my daughter."

Sodam warned, eyes raging with fire and dedication to save moonbyul who's tears kept falling as if she can't stop her emotion. Those precious tears that fall in byul's weak eyes are proof that somehow, the girl is hurting inside. And witnessing that her daughter is in this kind of state; vulnerable and weak, angers sodam to bones and at the same time, heart breaking that she has to see byul like this.

"S-Sodam, it's not what you think--"

Eric tried to defend himself but was cut off when sodam lifts her hand that was holding a gun and directly point it straight at eric's head, making the guy step back a little bit by his wife's sudden change of personality. He never sees this kind of sodam before, let alone experience the wrath of her wife when they're arguing. But now, standing infront of her is a different sodam, it's like a demon who's ready to do anything to save her daughter.

"Don't make me repeat myself, eric. Release moonbyul, or I'll blow up that little brain inside your head. Don't make me choose between the two of you, it's clear whose side I am on right now. I should've picked my daughter over you many years ago. I'm blinded by your shitty love, your lies! Now I heard everything.. on how you made me a fool, on how you hide the truth from me, then it's time I make things right."

Eric gritted his teeth and was having trouble doing what his wife wants. He has done so much just to fulfill his plan, he won't concede defeat that easily. He needs byul to stay away from yongsun's life even if it will cost a damn life, but if that life means sodam, then he doesn't know what to do anymore. It's a battle between his daughter and wife, choosing between them is the hardest decision he will do.

"Drop the gun eric, you know I won't hesitate to pull this trigger." Sodam pursues when eric is still hesitating to surrender.

He's still holding the gun yet he can't afford to fight back or to protect himself. After all, he loves sodam and hurting her is the very least he could do.

"Sir, drop your weapon!"

Eric looks behind sodam and he was convinced that the guy who said it is a police officer. Three of them enter the room and point the gun at eric and takes the right position while eyes at him, being cautious at the surrounding.

This made the guy mad even more. The fact that his troops are now in the hands of the authorities, and him, one wrong move and they will shoot his brain without hesitation.

Eric's grip on the gun tightened and his eyes drilling at the ground while forming an escape plan on her head or what's best to do in times like this. Yet he knows luck isn't on his side. He only have twenty percent chance of escaping sodam's reinforcement.

Eric looks back at his wife, trying to see if him being in jail is what the woman wants. He was hoping that somehow, she will have mercy and let things slide. But the moment he looks at sodam's eyes, all he sees is the determination of making things right, and that only means stopping eric's mayhem.

Sodam is serious.

"Sir I repeat, drop your weapon!" The guy on his left yelled to gather his attention again.

He was still scanning sodam's face and doesn't care about anything for this moment. Yet when he knows what's the best thing to do, his survival instinct is telling him to surrender.

Eric slowly bent his knees, put the gun down, and kicks it away from him. They told him to put his hands in the back of his head and without faltering, he does what they want. The men walk towards him and instantly restraining eric, putting him in handcuffs.

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