Chapter 38

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"What are we going to talk about anyway? And why do you guys seem close?"

Yongsun firstly asks after both of them took a seat infront of their mother. Sodam and byul look at each other's eyes as if they're reading ones expressions. When byul smile and gave a slight nod, sodam smile too and whipped her head back to yongsun.

"We are close.. she's my daughter after all." She stated.

Yongsun felt like something hit her in the gut. She's holding her breath for as long as she knows and just breath it out when she feels byul's hand squeeze her thigh, silently asking if she's okay. She tried to open her mouth, composing the right words to react but her voice can't be found. All she could do is look at them in disbelief, trying to figure out if what her mother said was true.

"I-I don't.. understand." After a long silence, she managed to respond with a shaky voice.

Byul expected yongsun to react like this because she too, reacted like that when she thought the woman she loves is her sister. But she knows yongsun is more surprised than her. She can see it through her eyes though. Oh how she wish she could kiss her troubles away.

And not too long after, sodam broke her silence to give yongsun a peace of mind because from what she can see, the girl is about to cry.

Who wouldn't though? If you'd know your girlfriend is your sister with who you had sex last night, would you like it?

"Yes, she's my biological daughter and no, she's NOT your sister."

Sodam emphasizes the word not to cheer yongsun's mood, and as yongsun heard it, she was more confused than ever that she can't help but to make a questionable face. Byul can see those invisible question marks floating on top of her girlfriend's head.

"I'm not your real mother, yongsun." Sodam added.

"Aaaaaah.." Yongsun reacted as if she had solved a thousand years old mystery. But when she realizes the deeper meaning of it, her eyes widened and she looks at her mother with a jaw-dropping expression..


If yongsun wasn't surprised enough, now she definitely is.

She can feel her body trembles, just staring at her mother in horror. She can't believe what she have heard.. she doesn't want to believe honestly. Who wants to hear it coming from the woman you see as your parent anyway? That after all the bonds, the moments they've shared, and the happy memories together.. she'd know that she's not your mother?

"That's the truth." Byul intrudes, making sodam's statement more firm and believable. Yongsun looks at her girlfriend too, and now she knows why byul kept calling sodam mom, because she actually is.

She doesn't know what to say after what sodam said. She wants to cry, to ask questions, and to clarify everything. Yet her mouth is kept sealed.

"If you're not my mother, t-then who?"

Sodam's expression changed in an instant. She promised to tell yongsun everything but she can't help but worry about the girl. Would it be okay for yongsun if she knows the reason why she was born, or how asshole her father is? Lots of possibilities lingered in her mind. Yet sodam has to, she has to be real. Yongsun deserves the truth anyway.

"My uhm.. bestfriend, Lee Jieun." She started, a bit hesitant to finish when yongsun's eyes wet a little.

"She died before your operation.. and she's the donor of your eyes."

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